Dr. Ramona Brockett & LanceScurv share this real conversation that covered several of the upcoming specifics that Dr. Breezie will focus on more in depth in her upcoming presentations.
But this was such a truth packed dialogue to say the least and was a hint of things to come from the brilliant mind of our own Dr. Ramona Brockett. While these ignorant modern day minstrels seem to receive all of the public accolades for accomplishing absolutely nothing at all that would impact society in a positive manner, we need to truly support and absorb the message of one who dares to go against the wicked grain of this world to boldly speak the truth!
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LanceScurv is an Insightful Culture Critic, Entertaining Podcast Host, Relentless Blogger, Talented Cartoonist & Omnipotent Social Media Activist who focuses on the issues that the Mainstream Media is deathly afraid to touch and living an interesting productive life to the fullest! Subscribe!
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