What is Parental Alienation and why is it not addressed more as it is more common than the masses think. To add insult to injury when one has to suffer being outlawed out of their child/children’s lives, there is the element of having to deal with the cold-hearted profit driven Court Systems that seem to refuse that those being isolated from their children’s life want nothing more than to be IN their lives as opposed to having their pain pimped for a lawyers top of the line luxury sports car payment and exotic excursions.
While the red tape of court proceedings drag on, precious time is lost and that simple hug that means so much is banished for yet another holiday season. Tonight we have a special guest who will speak in detail about her lonely walk on this painful trail that seems to have no end in sight.
We are also going to speak with Richard Johnson, the mastermind of the much needed Justice For Father’s movement, you will hear from this very special man himself of the vision to help those who don’t seem to have a friend in sight when dealing in a system that appears to demonize a man long before his true character can be put on display. There is absolutely NO REASON for a decent hard working loving man to be given the deadbeat treatment that should be reserved for those who are!
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LanceScurv is an Insightful Culture Critic, Entertaining Podcast Host, Relentless Blogger, Talented Cartoonist & Omnipotent Social Media Activist who focuses on the issues that the Mainstream Media is deathly afraid to touch and living an interesting productive life to the fullest! Subscribe!
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