Sometimes you need to take time to smell the roses and appreciate all that your Creator has done for you! Today I took the time for reflection and enjoyed a non-directional flow with two very dear friends of mine to whom are very much in love in their marriage.
It is always a pleasure to share divine thought, fellowship and of course those laughs with them as their company always recharges me in a way that spiritual family does.
We saw some very beautiful sights as the sunset cast a beautiful glow on the well manicured lawns and landscapes that were dotted with palm trees and colorful birds! It left me rejuvenated and ready to continue my creative calling even more so. It was in keeping with my earlier Facebook status entry that read as follows:
“Sometimes you have to allow yourself to take a step sideways in order to have a fresh & rejuvenated perspective on things so that your enthusiasm doesn’t get stale. You would be surprised how merely taking a step back for a short time can do to jump start your progress & mindset!”
Their is much power in the spoken word, and I found it to be prophetic that the very thing that I put up as a Facebook quote ended up being the rhythm that would follow me through this wonderful day! That shows me that we all need to wake up to positive thoughts and positive prayers! Enjoy the scenery! Peace!