As the influence of Madison Ave. seems to hit our psyches even harder through the constant brainwashing of Social Media, collectively our society appears to put an increasing importance on ones looks male and female but for the most part the woman’s looks come under attack even more.
Granted, it would be in the best interest of anyone to take care of their health by controlling their weight, but why is it that an ever increasing number of men judge the character of a woman by her physical dimensions?
Are we more concerned about the physical body of a woman more so than her longer lasting internal attributes?
May I ask, is this why we as men constantly get caught up with the wrong woman with the “right” waist size?
At what point has society made the switch in settling for the all to brief beauty of the physical and why is it that we fail to see the mistake of this mindset when it’s so obvious?
The sad part about this is too many women believe the hype of this twisted mentality and actually go along with it by attempting to alter their natural beauty by severely mutilating themselves with plastic surgeries, Botox treatment and liposuction to name a few.
So in essence these women are the victim of another person overinflated standard of beauty and are forced to keep up with it in the fear of losing that mate to another women who can.
Is this anyway to live your precious life not knowing if your man loves you for you?
Tune in and listen/participate with you opinions on this sure to be explosive show on a topic that has gone unaddressed for far too long!
Time: Friday December 13, 2013 @ 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Place: The LanceScurv Show <—–Click here at showtime to hear the entire program live on your computer or smartphone!
Call In Number: 760-259-2310 – Call in to listen or join in with your opinions on the discussion. You DO NOT need a computer to participate in the show, all you need is your phone.
Anonymously Call The LanceScurv Hotline to share your stories and opinions on the show topic at 407.731.2945 – 24 hours a day, seven days a week!
If you have any issues getting to the show, feel free to call me on my personal cell ( 407-590-0755 ) and I will get you squared away with any problems that you might have!
Also, the entire program will be uploaded to my YouTube channel ( the very next day for your listening convenience just in case you’ve missed it.