There are some things that must go on my nay list
I gave it much thought, so I really did weigh this
I held my peace a while and now I must say this
Trayvon Martins killer, must be a diehard racist
What kind of person hunts a child down on the street
He is packing and driving and the child is on his feet
He calls the cops while no crime has been committed
He thinks we are deaf and dumb, so he got it twisted
We heard clearly on the tape a cop tell him to stop it
He could have turned around instead he “Glock’d” it
There are some things that must go on my nay list
I gave it much thought, so I really did weigh this
I held my peace a while and now I must say this
Trayvon Martins killer, must be a diehard racist
People like him needs to be banned from this earth
He judged based on color, devalued another’s worth
Apparently his sheet has been replaced with the law
They say justice is blind but we know what we saw
Trying to excuse what was done takes a bit of nerve
Those for truth will not rest ‘til he gets what he deserves
There are some things that must go on my nay list
I gave it much thought, so I really did weigh this
I held my peace a while and now I must say this
Trayvon Martins killer, must be a diehard racist
A young boy is lifeless because of this guy’s evil hand
Americans are really at a loss as they try to understand
How can an individual have this much evil in his heart
The word says better is it at the end than when it starts
We patiently wait the balancing out of the justice scale
Trayvon your life will not be in vain so we will not fail!
We won’t fail you baby!
Copyright©2012 by Arene of