I am looking down on the southern Cuban coastline as I type these words on my way to the island of Jamaica for the first time since April of 1987. Two months short of 31 years to be exact and so much has transpired in my life since then.
Since this the country of my Fathers birth I’ve always had a special interest in Jamaica from afar as the “Jamerican” that I am. I have to say that this personal pilgrimage is quite an emotional one for me because I’m seeking to absorb as much of the culture and spirituality as I possibly can with the newfound heights of awareness that I’ve attained since I’ve journey here last.
The thoughts are swirling in my mind so powerfully as I know that there is a purpose for every move that we make in this life whether we know it or not. Right now all I can think about is what am I supposed to do with my time here and who am I supposed to connect with as this trip is not about a mere vacation but a serious chapter in my life that I ill undoubtedly have a strong effect on the rest of my earthly walk.
While I may have been guilty of this in the past, I feel that too many of us forget where our “blip “ is in n the radar screen of this very limited life and time on this planet.
For one who has spent plenty of time focusing on the frivolous and carnal endeavors that can quickly lead one into that dark lonely hot place of eternal suffering and gnashing of teeth, I truly thank my Creator for preserving my life to give me the opportunity to now live it in a manner that is not only pleasing to Him but in accordance with the divine orders that most of the world has seemed to have forgotten.
This is my personal pilgrimage to my Mecca in a sense and I open my mind, body and soul to obeying the commands of the most high. He will order my steps to fully maximize my position as a servant to the people to utilize my unique talents to bring all who cross my path into a balance and love for self that this wicked hierarchy will never manifest. We must all understand that it is greatly beneficial to the demonic agenda and detrimental to ours if we do not relentlessly commit to all things edifying and proper.
I proclaim from this moment forward to pursue a life that will leave me in total balance with the universe to be better each day than I was the day before even if just by a small degree.
With so many negative forces out here whose job it is to pull us down by any means necessary, the only way to rise up in my humble opinion is to live the simple life that is ordered by the One True God that many have turned their back on resulting in an existence void of true happiness.
To wrap it up I must say that there will come a time in my life when I will walk away from all things technological and all things Social Media. To be connected when sharing uplifting content is righteous and what I’ll continue to always do but the “slow leak” of a drain on one’s energies is something that I cannot tolerate too much longer when it comes to the unstable toxic individuals who have dedicated their lives to bringing drama to anyone who spreads positivity.
This is a why making the real face to face connections online is so important. I once had a social media page on the old Black Planet platform that had over 352,000 followers and I couldn’t tell you that I actually knew 8 of those followers in person. What’s the point of having such high numbers when the connections have no depth?
In my quest to maintain a quality uplifting experience online, I’ve refused to deal with those who savor drama and conflict in favor for intelligent mature dignified people who also yearn for the company of others who desire a higher spirituality.
Guard your thoughts and protect your mind from all external influences that take you away from the focus of going higher in your spiritual development because that advanced level of being is the only thing that you can take with you to the next level.