Beware Of The Girlfriends Who Want You To Be Miserable, Manless & Masturbating Just Like Them!

There is just no other way to describe those types of women who hang around your household with the sole mission of getting all up in your business to either start some crap or inflame the already pre-existing issues that you already have in your relationship. Either way you slice it you have a bring problem that for the most part is laying dormant in your life that calls themselves your friend.

Understand that while the title seems to be directed at women only, this phenomenon can also and literally does happen just as much with the male species as it does with women. It’s everyone!

But let me first start by saying that in order to keep your relationship issues from getting out of hand, the first order of the day is to immediately get those hatin’ ass girlfriends up out of your life and PLEASE stop confiding in them especially those girlfriends to whom don’t have a man of their own!

And that brings me to ask one question of the world that constantly bugs my mind: Why is it the “best” so called advice always comes from a woman with either NO man of her own or has a revolving door of failed and broken unions but will be so quick to advise and consult you on YOUR situation with the counsel being laced with a hidden dose of poisonous venom that is doomed to fail and cause you to be just like them!

Would I go to my Doctor to ask him what his opinion is on investing my money in the stock market?

Would I go to my mechanic for aid when it appears that I have all of the severe symptoms that show that I am probably about to go into cardiac arrest?

Do you go to your Pastor for major car repairs?

So why are you going to these miserable masturbating man-less women for the damn crucial advice on your relationship with your man?

Okay, granted, sometimes men DO mess up, they might stray but it is up to YOU to weigh out the total situation and make a decision if you want to continue the love affair in your life because only YOU can tell YOU what you want!

But NOOOOOOO! Those hatin’ ass girlfriends will take it upon themselves to turn your kitchen into a base from which to plan a war in your household when you man is not there, And ladies, we as men are NOT stupid when we arrive home to be greeted by the intense silence, judgmental stares and eye rolling that we are subjected to upon our arrival by your “FRIENDS” who hated the fact that THEY are lonely, frustrated and miserable and are just so overjoyed to help make you like them all in the name of being there for you!

GET RID OF THEIR ASSES because they will have your head all screwed up!

Get professional help immediately and also leave the Pastor out of it because he too just might have your business all out in the street if he doesn’t try to bed you down also because of the crack in your personal armor that you have presented to him!

TRUST NO ONE! Especially anyone in your inner circle, because those dormant Judases can lay dormant for many years if not decades just waiting for the perfect opportunity to levy those death blows to your life to watch you squirm and DIE! And if anyone can attest to what I say by the experiences that they’ve and with these hatin’ ass girlfriends will tell you that I am speaking the absolute TRUTH!

What you have to understand that with SOME of those girlfriends of your they have made a commitment to be in your life just to have a person who lives a completely different life to hate on because what you have is what they THINK they need so desperately in their life.

Instead of trying to forge a life of their own with a man of their own here they come filling in every free gap of time that YOU should be enjoying alone in order to strengthen your home life as well as your bond with your man.

But no, instead of backing away they go for the jugular to plant seeds of doubt and bend your mind subtly against the for the most part wholesome life while injecting THEIR idiosyncrasies into your life while operating below the radar as that trusted confidante from which you can confide in with no boundaries!

Jealous Women

They will even try to break you up with your man using those same techniques and turn around and try to throw some pussy at him after you and him have split!

Ain’t that some foul buffoonery?

If that isn’t downright evil then I don’t know WHAT is! And don’t even try to defend those types by saying that it doesn’t matter when an ex goes out with your girlfriend because she was probably lusting after him for so long and had those thoughts of screwing him dancing in her head while fantasizing of what it would be like to have HIM in her bed and in her mouth! Yeah I said it!

And yes, it is NOT right to go and date/screw/suck off your so called friend’s ex man! There are SOME things that you just don’t do and if you happen to do just that then at LEAST have the maturity to keep it out of the public eye in the first place because it does NOT look good on you to do this!

So if your are going through with some issues with your man and your girlfriend wants to give you some advice if you already confided in her then thank her for it and do not mention anything more about it in the future and if she asks then merely say that things have worked out beautifully because of the words of advice that she shared and you just don’t know what you would do without her!

But never reveal that things are still in the red zone with you and your man and cease to have her around in your household because she is a “body language reading pro!”

This hatin’ ass girlfriend will still sense the tensions and has other methods to keep your mind sauteed in the sauce of confusion fueled by the fires of doubt that she will gladly keep going until the relationship is jacked up!

One of the main defenses against these slippery outsiders from having inside access to your love life is that you have got to take away the free pass that allows these two faced saboteurs to have the revolving door access to your home life that they enjoy. They now just pop up whenever they feel like to survey and appraise the various moods in your household to garner a precise reading to know how to manipulate your mind against you man!

The cure?

…….keep ’em guessing!

Keep them of your home and spend some time with your mate away from the unexpected drop ins and self invites that they now use to set up their confusion. You don’t have to tell them everything that goes on behind your closed doors and are not required to share your every move to the shopping mall or supermarket. Don’t do this abruptly but pull back slowly and undetectably over a good long stretch of time. For if they feel that you are pulling away from them then they will make every attempt to cement themselves into your life in ways that would be even more difficult to remove them over time.

Also, do not always be so quick to go out every time these types of girlfriends invite you out to go somewhere with them, oftentimes this is an attempt to keep you away from your man and your home life so that your possible issues can linger on unresolved while she digs her talons into the deeper recesses of your subconscious mind.

Make sure that you reserve some special time that is written in stone just for you and your mate and watch the fabricated emergencies and irresistible offers roll in to take you out as a treat to your favorite expensive restaurant! They will do just about anything to become that wedge between you and the reality of true love coming into fruition.

My words in this article is not an attempt to be blasphemous to all of the great friends that you might have as I will acknowledge that there are so many wonderful and supportive ladies who as a friend has your best interests at heart, but there are just too many emotional and spiritual vampires who masquerade as a true friend but only arrive into your life to cause true pain, destruction and suffering on all fronts so be careful as to whom you allow into your private space and keep it sacred.

Any REAL friend would always encourage and respect that bar NONE!

So, if you find yourself feeling not to centered, drained and having distressed thoughts in your mind toward your man that you are sure did not really originate from within yourself, pull the plug for a while on all outside influences and go through each one with a fine tooth comb in order to unearth the culprit who is slowly poisoning your life like a bad computer virus that has infected the operating system of your PC.

Download their company no more until you are sure that they are not the reason that you feel the way you do so that you can restore your life to the pristine existence that you’ve worked and sacrificed so hard for and damn sure deserve!

You will thank me one day for this advice as I know what I’m talking about for a fact because it is hard earned from my own experiences.

Been there, endured that.

…….and came through to the wonderful PRODUCTIVE  life that I now live with flying colors. Keep those hatin’ ass girlfriends OUT of your life!

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