First of all, the live toll free call in number is 888.575.3769……..
The fact that Bill Cosby has been Charged With “Aggravated Indecent Assault has made me really wonder to myself: “WHY NOW?”
The timing couldn’t have been any better as a holiday sendoff gift to the hungry media platforms that wouldn’t have much to talk about after the festive season was over.
So understand that those who control the media from behind the scenes knew exactly what they were doing in having this woman (Unnamed at the present time but possibly the former Temple University employee Andrea Constand) step forward to make file these charges against Bill Cosby and you can bet your bottom dollar that there are some long strings attached to her actions as she is now 2016’s first deceptive marionette puppet of destruction to destroy the legacy of a very powerful Black man who has thus far escape any trace of scathing Hollywood scandal.
Do you really think that these charges are about a man who allegedly drugged a woman in order to have some type of sexual contact with her?
Why has this story caught on so intensely and has caused many to go into a frenzy when nothing has ever been proved?
The fact of the matter is that these women with old ancient so called recollections of what they “say” happened to them when in the company of Bill Cosby are all simply unproven allegations?
It’s quite evident that Bill Cosby is paying for having the nerve to even think about purchasing NBC because the major networks are the platform of the mind controlling demonic spinmasters and “how DARE this Nigger even think he can purchase one of our weapons of mass destruction of independent thought and liberation of the sheeple” that these well cloaked Hollywood powermongers feel that they own?
I can honestly see an O.J. Simpson styled witch hunt all over again with the mass hysteria profiting the media whores while at the same time killing two birds with one stone which means making lots of money while destroying a well respected and very wealthy Black man’s legacy which is a status that is totally unacceptable to the powerful shadow figures who refuse to accept Black success!
Am I condoning anything that a man does behind the back of his Wife? NO!
But there just might be the possibility that his Wife knew about his extracurricular activities and turned her head to it as many well taken care of Wife’s do.
But if these allegations were true then why is it getting so much attention when Hollyweird is infestated with sexual deviants and perverse gatherings of powerful people who do a whole lot more than fondle a woman who was never held physically captive against her will.
Well after all of these years how will those accusations be proved?
It just seems to be yet another circus coming to town with Bill Cosby’s legacy being the very thing that will take a beating.
He will be proven innocent of these lies and will defeat all that comes his way but like our deceased Brother Michael Jackson had to find out, the rumor and innuendo will be hard to erase from a tarnished legacy after the dust has settled.
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LanceScurv is an Insightful Culture Critic, Entertaining Podcast Host, Relentless Blogger, Talented Cartoonist & Omnipotent Social Media Activist who focuses on the issues that the Mainstream Media is deathly afraid to touch and living an interesting productive life to the fullest! Subscribe!
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