Point Blank: The Black Church is NOT what it used to be, nor is it where it’s supposed to be.
I don’t think anyone will deny that fact.
But what really intrigues me is that many church members are afraid to death to speak out on how they really feel about this issue.
Going to most churches today is like going to your favorite restaurant only to find that your beloved dish has no flavor to it.
In the Black Church today there is a tension that thrives just below the radar undetected to most that looms over any free expression of the spirit because it’s not really about the Holy Ghost.
It’s all about the business of Church in the present day.
And while I acknowledge that the business element is very crucial as far as the light bill being paid as well as every other amenity enjoyed in our respective houses of worship, but the bills are padded to the point of being ridiculous!
Beyond the money there is the control over the congregation and the fishing for well to do members that can be made guilty to tithe a fortune to the Church.
Don’t even bother to ask about the tactic of “earning” one’s way to a higher status in the congregation by having closer seats to the front because of the amount of money donated to the church.
This is your carnal reward that allows you to push out your chest to feel proud and slightly better than the other members who paid less money into the “churchified ego-scam” in the name of the Lord!
We all know the in house Jezebels who work their witchery as well as the abundance of Man-whores there who operate under the hetero, homo, bi and down-low umbrella and all of the hierarchies of sexual deviance that thrives to the beat of that joyous sounding heavy bass Gospel music.
Secret Societies? Yes, it’s a given in the Black Church and one has to wonder with all of the secrecy and strange pagan ceremonies that go on with those groups that it’s a wonder why anyone wouldn’t ask them if Jesus would move in secrecy like they do.
Heck, where would most truly transformed Christians be if the Lord never shared the good news and salvation with them but only to a chosen few who knew the handshake or the catchphrases to ascertain that they are in the inner circle.
With so many hidden agendas and secret motivations infiltrating the modern day Black Church, one has to marvel at the fact that it’s still hanging on with a pulse.
But while the names of these houses of worship remain the same, the internal health of the original function is all but rotted out and replaced by a Sunday morning nightclub replacement chock full of all of the amenities that you could ever hope to find in a nightclub and beyond!
The Black Church a Modern Day Whore?
You can bet that pseudo saved sanctified seducing Jezebel’s cleavage that it is!
We all need to talk about this in depth without restraint!
Please leave your thoughts below in the comment section.
Peace, Righteous Love & Revolution Always,
Your Relentless Brother,
pastors sign autographs now too
love your shows I just subscribed you need a bigger plate form
On point Lance! Not only in the black church, the white church as well with better make-up on it. Most of these Leaders have made the church a place of merchandise.
It is so much filth and garbage going on in churches these days..I just came across a video a few days ago of a black so called preacher who told all the women of the church if they go to the beach and get bucket necked bend over and let him kiss them between the rumps that God would send them a husband. Ritualistic demonic pre-meditated voodoo hell coming straight up out of the pits. The church that I got saved in I found out that the preacher was sleeping with the women of the church my mom included, his cover got blown. I left the church and to this day this everything got swept under the rug and everyone who participated plays dumb to it like its the norm. I believe that their is a true church though…I HATE THE FALSE CHURCH!!! AND I CAN SAY THAT TODAY…GOD SAYS IN HIS WORD THAT HE HATES EVERY FALSE WAY, HE HATES IT!!! THEREFORE SO DO I. ITS A CRYIN SHAME WHATS HAPPENING BUT GOD IS GOING TO AND IS VISITING THE HOT MESSES LABELED AS CHURCHES ON THIS PLANET.
good video LanceThanx
Preach Lance!! Hope you feel better soon! 🙂
Listen, you know what you’re talking about and more people need to get in on this. The thing about it is, when you try to tell modern day “Christians” where they’re wrong, they don’t want to here it. They’ve gotten so egotistical, that you can’t even suggest ways to get closer to God. You can’t tell them they aren’t serving him right. They are too self-righteous. I stopped going to church because I could see through the lights to all the bullshit. You got preachers trying to holler at the young girls, adultery going on, lying, these new “dances”, these new ways of dressing, women wearing anything showing everything! We want to be like Oprahs, Beyonces, Jay-Zs! We look up to them! We follow their examples and think it’s cool if we say “Jesus bless this or that” and go and do it. We drop it low and show ass and all…. our girls wanna be like a woman that’s telling the world to take all of her… I mean, I can go on for days typing about this crap. At the end of the day, the Devil and the demons that run his secret societies are getting the people of this world to throw up all kinds of signs and do all kinds of ceremonies to praise and worship him. The world is moving further and further from God each and every single day and it’s too egotistical, too self-righteous to even see that it’s wrong. Oh my goodness, we are so wrong and I know God is so angry! You need to share, share, share this!
Great point Lance.In my personal opinion, GOD does not require weekly attendance to a building, he definitely does not need a middle man to hear your prayers or be heard, nor does he require an interpreter of his word. As usual GREEDY MEN/WOMEN use GOD to capitalize.In most cases congregation members attending these churches are struggling just to get by, but those tide & offering plates stay full, allowing the Pastors and Deacons to live lavish.The reality of it all is that you usually have two groups within the church, The HAVES, and THE HAVE NOT. Take a wild guess as to which one is footing the bill out of fear as a result of incorrect teachings.It is like watching sheep being led to the slaughter, as they go through the same motions over and over.
love your reaction hahahahaha
The Black Church: A Modern Day Whore? – The Lance…: http://youtu.be/RszGH0rSXh4
1:36 – That’s Right
Lmao I’m not gay nomore. I have been dilivert!
Preach!!! Tell’em!!! Himula simula dim mu ma hiya seco dim a tee yone! “dances around”
Leadership Begins at Home“Leadership begins at home” and what I mean by that is we cannot depend on so-called “leaders”–political, religious and otherwise–to do what families, parents, students, churches, fraternities, professional organizations and other organizations and individuals should do. These so-called leaders have failed. If they had succeeded, we would not be in the position we are. (If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten. One law of nature is adapt or die—adapt or suffer the consequences. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. These so-called leaders continue to consistently prescribe failed practices and they expect different results. They refuse to adapt. Current “leaders” [including religious and political] must either be incompetent or have conflicts of interest [such a pay-off—a bribe or campaign donations or the thoughts concerning or the promise of the next job, a job/contract for a relative, etc.] because they have failed. Look at the results.) You must lead. I must lead. We must lead. We are called to lead. What counts more than political and religious leaders to make a difference are individuals leading themselves, their families, their communities and their organizations. Leadership begins at home.