Black Homophobia: Kerry Washington Calls Out The Black Community! – The LanceScurv Show

The conversation on Homophobia is back with a BANG!

Actress Kerry Washington made an award acceptance speech at the GLAAD Media Awards Ceremony this past Saturday (March 21, 2015) that came as a shocker to many in the Black Community.

Here area few of her words which you will actually here on this audio offering:

“Women, poor people, people of color, people with disabilities, immigrants, gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, trans people, intersex people…have been pitted against each other and made to feel like there are limited seats at the table for those of us who fall into the category of other.”

Kerry Washington

Most wouldn’t have an issue with those words but that was merely the warm-up, this is where it got a bit more intense:

“So when black people today tell me that they don’t believe in gay marriage… So, the first thing that I say is, ‘Please don’t let anybody try to get you to vote against your own best interest by feeding you messages of hate.’ And then I say, ‘You know people used to stay that stuff about you and your love and if we let the government start to legislate love in our lifetime, who do you think is next?”

Okay! May I ask WHY is the Black Community being singled out by this puppet of a Sister to deliver this message?

From my point of view, this speech was ghost written by someone else or at least was given the green light of approval by someone higher to levy an engineered attack on the Black Community and their generally accepted stance looking down on Gay Marriage.

Are Black people the only individuals who feel this way?

It seems as though whenever there is a movement or agenda to be promoted, the Black struggle that we have to STILL go through everyday of our lives is expected to be tossed aside so that we can serve someone elses cause at the expense of our own.

Black Feminists back in the seventies were so “Gung-Ho” and enthusiastic in standing behind who they thought were their White Feminist Sisters only to be tossed aside like a snotty used tissue once their goals were attained flat leaving that Black Feminist on the spot to go home to her remaining issues in the Black Community that no one ever wanted to acknowledge in the first place.


You can’t turn your Black skin on and off with a switch and go into the closet with your melanin like many in the LGBT community can with their same sex preferences.

My Black skin is obvious and undeniable but member of the LGBT community has the choice of “Coming Out” by stating it or acting in a manner that lets everyone know where they are coming from.

All I can say is STOP SCAPEGOATING BLACKS FOLKS for your causes while having no intention of ever returning the favor when we are in need!

And to those who ARE Black in the LGBT Community: Never forget how the world sees you and stop abandoning your undeniable Blackness thinking that you are seen as an LGBT community member ONLY as if your Blackness was now made invisible to the world.

When the police shoot you down unfairly its because of the skin you are in and not anything that you do in the bedroom or who you choose to love.

Listen in and leave your opinions and perspectives in the comment area below but the final question that I have is WHO was sitting in the shadows and holding the puppet strings while Kerry Washington executed a speech on someone elses behalf?

The Gay Agenda continues and half of us are fast asleep at the wheel…….

Peace, Righteous Love & Revolution Always,

Your Brutally Honest Brother,



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Nnvee Pathlight
Nnvee Pathlight
May 4, 2015 1:53 AM

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever had the misfortune to come
across on Youtube. There are so many contradictions in this audio
presentation that it made my head spin. For example: You complain about
black feminist and successful black women not wanting black men while in
the same breathe you say incredibly vulgar and demeaning things about them.
You complain about the gay movement riding on the civil rights coattails
while every word out of your mouth could easily be exchanged for a racist
KKK member complaining about segregation and race mixing. Check yourself.

By the way religion is man made and can be manipulated to suit an agenda.
If you are confused by what I am referring to listen to yourself. What a
coincidence god agrees with LanceScurve. Maybe that is because man created
god and not the other way around.

Rip Van
Rip Van
April 26, 2015 10:33 PM

I am reposting because of a few typos made while typing via my smartphone:I stumbled upon your youtube video and I am very happy that I did. I just want to add something to one line that you stated and that line is, “God is love.” So many people attempt to use that part of the Bible against the believer. I do not want them to attempt to use that verse against you.Yes, the Bible states on several occasions that God is love. However, John 1:1 states, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Thus, the Word is God. We can construct the syllogism:The Word is God, andGod is loveThus, the Word is love.Therefore, if one speaks the Word, he is speaking love.However, if one speaks against the Word, he speaks against God, thus, he speaks against love and promotes hate. To speak against God or the Word is to speak hate. We can conclude that if one promotes the Word, no matter who is offended thereby, he speaks love. And if one denounces the Word, he denounces love or promotes hate. According to the Word, the woman was made for the man; the woman is the glory of the man; the head of Christ is God…head of woman is the man; to avoid fornication, let EVERY man have his own wife, and EVERY woman have her own husband. To counter those sayings is to counter the Word, and to counter the Word is to counter love. To counter love is to promote. Who are the real haters or phobes of men? Answer: those who oppose the Word.

Rip Van
Rip Van
April 26, 2015 10:20 PM

I stumbled upon your youtube video and I am very happy that I did. I just want to add something to one line that you stated and that line is, “God is love.” So many people attempt to use that part of the Bible against the believer. I do not want them to attempt to use that verse against you.Yes, the Bible states on several ocasions that God is love. However, John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Thus, the Word is God. We can construct the syllogism:The Word is God, andGod is loveThus, the Word is love.Therefore, if one speaks the Word, he is speaking love.However, if one speaks against the Word, he speaks against God, thus, he speaks against love and promotes hate. To speak against God or the Word is to speak hate. We can conclude that if one promotes the Word, no matter who is offended thereby, he speaks love. And if one denounces the Word, he denounces love or promotes hate. According to the Word, the woman was made for the man; the woman is the glory of the man; the head of Christ is God…head of woman is the man; to avoid fornication, let EVERY man have his own wife, and EVERY woman have her own husband. To counter those sayings is to counter love. To counter love is to promote. Who are the real haters or phobes of men. Answer: those who oppose the Word.

Mr. Negative
Mr. Negative
April 20, 2015 8:28 AM

Where were all these damn homosexuals when black people were being discriminated against?

April 19, 2015 2:04 PM

KW is the white man’s bitch she’s paid to say that

April 7, 2015 12:52 PM

I don’t like Kerry Washington I don’t know what it is but I don’t trust her.

April 7, 2015 12:39 PM

I do not and never will support Homosexuality Trans or any other out the closet behaviour that’s my rant

Lea Leandre
Lea Leandre
April 7, 2015 2:34 AM

Let’s see Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and countless other who did not make national news were killed for no other reason than being Black. Dozens of young Black men die in inner cities especially Chicago every day. Miss Washington actually believes that the attitude of Black people toward homosexuality is one the biggest problems in the Black community! Where was she during the Ferguson protest? Where was the homosexual community when Michael Brown another unarmed young Black man was shot to death by police officers?

leilani dupree
leilani dupree
April 5, 2015 8:11 AM

What people fail to realize she is a closet lesbian,she wouldn’t of reached the heights of fame she have if she wasn’t,hollywood is ran by homosexuals! In order to make it in hollywood you must pay to play,if you aren’t bisexual you won’t make it far in the industry.

Valerie Starr
Valerie Starr
March 30, 2015 2:08 AM

Hmmm. I’ve never compared the racial discrimination blacks face to that of homosexuals, but what does come to mind is the fact that people use people in politics. Look at Frederick Douglass and the woman’s suffrage movement…is history repeating itself? And I AM NOT likening homosexual males to women.

March 29, 2015 6:42 PM

Yes Sir!!!! Preach!!You got that old school teaching!!. I know what youtalking about. The Bible is always right. I admire your boldnessin the lord. Its Either or its not a blending!!(Amen)!!! Keep speakingthe truth no matter who come against you. For lack of a better wordthis mess is out of hand..but the bible said it would be like this in the lastdays..I 1000% stand with what your saying…I got your E back. Be EncouragedLance.(You Preached again)!!! I’ve Lost Respect 4 KW .

March 28, 2015 11:33 PM

Channel dedicated to perpetuate the slave mentality. “Gay agenda?”LOL! To have equal rights?!

March 28, 2015 11:30 PM

AWESOME speech by Keri Washington. Bigoted Blacks should educate themselves and stop embarrassing the race with ignorance. I wish you were smart enough to comprehend the purpose of the speech. As a BLACK WOMAN, she is talking to the BLACK COMMUNITY. Because it is expected for white people to bigoted and oppressive, it is ignorant for Black folks, people that have suffered severe oppression to turn around and place oppression on another group of people. That was the point of her speech. Funny thing how you use your religion to justify your bigotry. The same religion. The same bible aka “THE WORD OF GOD,” that justified the slavery of your ancestors. LOL!! MORON! You use the same book to justify your hate against gays that the slave masters used to justify the slavery of you own ancestors. WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PUPPET? You are still perpetuating and speaking the slave mentality. You are the only puppet sir.

March 28, 2015 2:20 AM

Sad fact about gay people in America is that they are the only group that
most people find discriminating against them acceptable.

Terrence Ball
Terrence Ball
March 26, 2015 4:32 AM

I never really liked Kerry Washington as a actress to be perfectly honest. And there they go again comparing the civil rights movement, to the gay rights movement. There is no comparison, has a gay person been discriminated against for trying to drink from a water fountain? No they have not. Has a gay person been discriminated against for using a public restroom? No they have not, so save that same struggle bullshit. And Kerry Washington you should know better, you disrespect the ancestors not speaking up for black people’s rights, which we are still fighting for. Yet you speak up for the gay/lesbian community really Kerry? Not feeling that at all.

5 steps ahead 5 steps ahead
5 steps ahead 5 steps ahead
March 25, 2015 2:04 PM

When has GLAAD ever marched along side with black people? It seems in 2015 they’ve found themselves a good female nigga slave to do their bidding. If i were black people i would take this as a declaration of war and arm myself with truth and stand on the foundation of GOD. Their agenda has nothing to do with human rights. This is all about conditioning your mind to accept a lower than animalistic perversion that could ultimately end in your ability to reproduce. Don’t let these political whores attach themselves to your struggle as if they’ve suffered and have been hung from trees just like you or your ancestors. Sometimes the devil shows up as a black woman to receive an award just to please satan.

Bum Head
Bum Head
March 25, 2015 5:49 AM

She is saying bend over black man.

Martha Marvelette
Martha Marvelette
March 24, 2015 7:20 PM

It’s like the Light Skin/Dark Skin crap within the Black community, those who have been persecuted should know better than to do it to others.Thank You Kerry Washington, you’re a brave lady.

March 24, 2015 2:34 PM

And what about the black members of LBGT? They can’t hide either? Are they unworthy of unity and must submit to oppression as well? Focusing on our issues doesn’t mean turning our noses up at others and it sure as hell shouldn’t mean oppressing others. We’re not comparing the treatment or the history of treatment its ridiculous that we can face rejection and exclusion and turn around and do the same thing. Kerry as noble in pointing that out and to insist her speech was ghost written is ridiculous as well!

March 24, 2015 2:30 PM

Homophobia in the black community is real! Kerry isn’t blaming blacks for homophobia she is simply stating that an oppressed people shouldn’t continue to oppress another group of oppressed people. Yes, the LBGT community can hide their sexuality or sexual identity better than a black person can hide skin tone but just like blacks wouldn’t hide or trade in their complexion homosexual and transgender people wouldn’t and shouldn’t hide their identities out of fear.

Jack Gully
Jack Gully
March 24, 2015 4:18 PM

when you have a sister on a show getting train wrecked by Edomites left and right then try to lecturer black people about acceptance. I do not support homosexuality but I also do not support doing any harm to them either. I won’t disrespect them, I won’t insult them, but I will not allow them to indoctrinate me or any of my people with that Ancient Roman sodomite behavior.

J. Jermane
J. Jermane
March 24, 2015 3:20 PM

Kerry Washington has lost her mind and I feel bad for her husband (that’s if they’re still married).

March 24, 2015 10:59 AM

Shes speaking to the wrong people she needs to direct this to the White supremacist. and though interracial couplings can be seen as a contentious issue due to White supremacy racism. Your trying to tell me it’s on the same level as Homosexuality which does not even produce life through it’s ultimate expression unless a third party is involved? What a false conflation and shaming tactic.

March 24, 2015 10:20 AM

Pescatarian: a person who’s diet includes fish but no other meat. Also spelled (Pescetarian))

Tarver S.
Tarver S.
March 24, 2015 9:09 AM

Its funny she said that because, White GOP’s (Conservitives) don’t like Gay/Lesbian (Men and Women). She Attacks Blacks over the show Empire, Kerry Washington need to re-think what she said. Because the GOP’s are laughing hard right now and they all will use this as ammo towards us Black people in the next election.

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