Elaine Brown, the world renown original Black Panther member recently spoke her mind and shared her opinion on the Black Lives Matter movement basically saying that they possess a “Plantation Mentality” because of their overall approach to bringing about change.
From what I’ve observed as far as the cyberspace reactions to what Ms. Brown stated, some agreed with her words and other vehemently disagreed with what she said stating that she’s accomplished nothing of note at the pinnacle of her prime and that the BLM movement has done a whole lot more.
While I think that healthy dialogue is very essential for us to gain the intimate understanding of where we all stand in our movement, I want us to grasp the fact that no matter what we feel the appropriate course of action is we need to know that ALL OF US as Black People are important to our liberation! Not one of us should be made to feel as though our suggestions are not important because at the end of the day we are all targeted equally by our oppressor when we are gunned down mercilessly without a second thought.
I would love to hear everyone’s opinions on this story and what would be the ultimate solution to us moving in one accord as a unified people…….
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