This is an audio rant that flowed through connecting the dots on why Black women are referred to as Booty.
While many will scoff at the idea that there might be a reason behind all of this, those who are open to embrace what I had to share just might walk away from this offering with a deeper perspective on why that particular name possesses many revealing implications that are truly a gauge for where we stand as a people.
The first few minutes of my “chat” goes off into another issue that is worth listening to as a precursor to my words on the initial topic.
As always, I welcome the opportunity to hear your opinion on this and I truly desire for us to always go deep into the meaning behind the facade in order to decode what is happening in our world to prepare ourselves for what is to happen next.
With so many revealing tragedies happening all around us, many are waking up at an alarming rate to take charge of our collective realities to make a difference.
We’ve got to understand that their are phrases and words used on us as a people that have a psychological effect here on this plane as well as to usurp our naturally gifted power on all other levels unseen.
We are not a defeated people but they certainly want us to believe that!
We have got to know that in our unity lies their defeat and as long as our enemy continues to seduce us with his physical, mental and spiritual poisons, we will always remain a people shackled and limited to manifest the greatness that God Almight Himself has planted deep inside of us to change the WORLD!
Please leave your viewpoints and perspectives on this rant in the comment area below. Thanks again and God bless you!
Peace, Righteous Love & Revolution Always,
Your Brother,