While the starting point of my monologue begins with the sad news of Chris Rock and soon to be ex-wife Malaak deciding to go through with a divorce, the real issue that I’ve wondered out loud about is what happened to this thing called true love?
Is true love so true after all or is it that we don’t take the time to really see if we’re fit to love another when we might still have major character flaws that we might not want to deal with?
We fall too quick into situations based on our lower desires yet feel that our mutual lusts can carry us through the rocky roads ahead.
Oh how quickly we find out!
We need to stand on divine principle in order to have a quality life and this also goes for how we approach dating, courting and the ultimate union of this now cheapened institution called Marriage.
Heck, if we put as much energy into our Marriage and personal development as we do in our purchases of vehicles, homes and material items then we just might be better off!
…….the old fashioned way is always the best!
What’s your opinion on this, I’d love to know!
Peace, Righteous Love & Revolution Always,
Your Real & Raw Brother,