Why is Tom Joyner off of the air even though his ratings were through the roof?
Why was Michael Baisden shut out of his studio abruptly and why has he been so silent with the huge following that he has amassed?
Countless other Black radio hosts have been vanished and vaporized right in front of our very eyes into thin air as well as many Black newspapers and periodicals.
What gives?
We don’t see this in many other ethnic communities yet it appears that anything dealing with the means of communicating our concerns on a platform that brings the Black together seems to be unacceptable to someone in high places.
Who it may be I couldn’t tell you but it appears to be a controlled demolition of Black Radio and Black Independent Media in general.
As approximately 13% of the population of the United States, we have a sizable amount of financial might that should be able to support several platforms that allow us to speak freely on the issues that concern our expanded community but we have been diluted as the so called Mainstream Media is there to take up the slack where the Black media has fallen off.
While I may not have all of the answers, I have a heck of a lot of questions and truly wonder if anyone else has really noticed what I’m seeing.
I get the the title topic at about halfway into this video because I originally planned for this to be a free flowing rant that cover several topics.
Please leave your viewpoints on what you heard here in the comment area below and let’s continue the conversation to get to the bottom of this issue!
God bless…….