It’s hard to fathom that Crack Cocaine has been with us for 35 years more or less and what is even more amazing is how it has been assimilated into our engineered morphed culture of inner city living!
We all know that these powerful drugs were introduced to wipe Black people off of the face of this earth as it pushed us down into levels of dysfunction never witnessed before in recorded history.
Families have been torn apart causing the further deterioration of the Black Community in America as if we didn’t have enough oppression and racism to deal with in the first place! Children are growing up without their Fathers and the outrage over this seems to be dwindling as we’ve become numb to the Crack monster that has touched all of our lives directly or indirectly.
We can accept this mentality and epidemic on our community any longer! Just because the mainstream media has lost its appetite to report on what is going on so strong where Black people live doesn’t diminish its effects on our lives and our conversations, solutions and strategies on how we are going to vaporize it must continue without fail!