American stand-up comedian, actor and producer, Dave Chappelle has announced plans to move to West Africa, particularly Ghana. The comedian revealed that, he was inspired by the decision of multiple Grammy award winning musician, Stevie Wonder to move to Ghana permanently.
In an interview with Naomi Campbell, Dave said that, “You gotta think as a Black American who amongst us is more valued and respected than Stevie Wonder and the idea that he would feel this way at this stage in his life and career…I think that Stevie is the soul of American culture and if the soul leaves the body then this thing is dead. Then I thought I’ll follow him over there, or I’ll go myself. I’ll do it for him.”
Dave who happens to listen to the musician closely over the years revealed that, the recent decision taken by Stevie Wonder was a product of a long time plan he had; according to him, Stevie has since been talking about this move.
“Those in the room that knows Stevie personally he’s said this thing many times through the years that we’ve known him. But this last time he said it, what he said was ‘I am moving to Ghana so that I can be valued and respected more’, that’s almost exactly the phrase he used,” Dave told Campbell.
The comedian has already commenced plans to prepare the grounds for his relocation to Africa as he has started surveying places to help build a comedy hub in the West African country. “We have been working together, hopefully, I’ll build something there, but I am definitely going to at least rent something for the foreseeable future, and I hope to open a comedy club there because there’s none,” he said.
Award winning musician, Stevie Wonder blamed systemic racism and discrimination as one of his major reasons for taking the bold decision to move to Ghana; “I don’t want to see my children’s children’s children have to say, ‘Oh please like me. Please respect me, please know that I am important, please value me.’ What is that?” the musician told Oprah Winfrey in an interview.