Dr. Ramona Brockett once again displays a keen eye in catching the subliminal messages behind the engineered posturing for the cameras when Donald Trump found himself praying of all things, with several high profile mega-preachers and religious figures.
Now what could THIS be all about except to garner even more votes from what the political masterminds and shape-shifters just might feel is the always gullible African – American Community but goes even deeper than that.
Remember, when it comes to running for the Presidency of the United States, NO STONE is left un-turned whether we know why that particular stone in the first place or not!
But as always, we can depend on Dr. Ramona Brockett to aid us in seeing what was really meant to be hidden in plain sight!
We hope that you enjoy our comparatively brief conversation and do know that it is merely a stimulating and delicious appetizer before the grand main course that will arrive for sure this upcoming weekend.
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