Dr. Umar Johnson is in the news these days in a very intense manner as the year 2017 draws down to an end. The reason that his name is out there more than it ever has been is because the Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs has him under investigation to eventually reveal if his degrees and certifications as a clinical psychologist are authentic after several years of some of our own Black people have cried out for a what can only be described as a highly desired public lynching of a man who has traveled the world over seeking nothing more than to build a school for Black young men who may otherwise fail in a society ruled by White Supremacy.
Yet the Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman received hundreds of thousands of dollars in support from the very same corporations that many Black people continue to support to this day without every boycotting them forever and exposing them to the world!
Whether Dr. Umar Johnson has fraudulent degrees or not, Black people who question his motives should do so directly and in private without running to our common oppressor who wants nothing more from us than a life of servitude at best and eventual death for the most part.
You don’t hear White people calling out for the imprisonment of George Zimmerman after murdering a child so why are we publicly denouncing a man whose only desire to kill off the grip of White Supremacy that is choking the lives of Black people who like anyone else desire to pursue life, liberty and happiness just like anyone else?
We must stop moving about this earth out of “code” while others never betray their own even when they are murderers!