Brother Eric EJ Sheppard shares his vast wisdom and divine insight once again on The LanceScurv Show in this third conversation that continues to delve into the issues that many are too shy to confront today.
Our beautiful Sister Talaya truly added a unique flavor with her dynamic blend of wit, charisma and intelligence to make our dialogue truly something to kick back and absorb slowly to never miss one delectable soul nourishing bite!
As the Mainstream Media continues to attempt to demonize this young Warrior who is truly an asset to the Black community, his direct words here will melt any misunderstanding that is unfairly perpetuated on the other platforms that choose to paint him other than what he is.
If more of our people listen to what Eric Sheppard had to say, then our community would regain the mental, physical and spiritual might that our oppressor fears will be the beginning of the end of his rule over us that he has enjoyed for hundreds of years!
Thank you so much for listening and do know that I can be reached directly at 407.924.8793. Texts preferred as they get through so much faster!
As always, please like, comment, share & subscribe!
Do these guys run trains on this women just wondering. Yall not talkin
about nothing frfr
Great dialogue being expressed. So many of the issues expressed are
deriving from so many areas. I think as a people we need to target these
areas and educate our own so that they may understand how these catalyst
create complications in our experience. Absorbing media imagery,
normalization of dysfunction, psychological effects of our struggle, our
manipulation by others, etc. Somehow we need these clearly defined showing
cause and effect, so we wont have blacks who hate themselves therefor
thinking dating interacially will provide some sort of love they will never
acquire from their own people, black men and women blaming each other in
endless power struggle tug-of-wars, blacks growing up in predominately
white areas internalizing and regurgitating white prejudices, and so on.
This is a good step in that direction. Discussions with clarity and
MATURITY. Much respect!
Ivan van sertima- guyanese-afrikan paridigm: afrikan woman in antiquity
This the title of the video. Watch the whole thing. He spoke on the
polygamy at 46:00
If a black dude is not rich most of the time the white woman he has most
likely are the ones that the other white guys have used up or either did
not want to begin with….Or that black man has been brain washed and
mentally emasculated and can’t handle a confident black woman…On the
other hand lots of black women have this house wench mentality towards
black men that we are all weak and lazy and below standards of a white man
because of metal slavery and the white supremacy agenda to emasculate men
and imprison us..I love black women and my feelings are black women are
Gods because they bring life..I dream of the day I will have me an African
queen to create life with and build an empire…