Good Times No More: Why Black America’s Favorite TV Dad James Evans Couldn’t Exist On Television Today!

James Evans, that strong Father figure that Black America absolutely loved – played by John Amos back in the sitcom Good Times for 61 episodes from 1974 to 1976 – wouldn’t have a chance to shine as a character in the climate of today’s television offerings because he would definitely not fit in with today’s twisted program agenda.

But we can’t give the James Evans all of the credit because what really made him come alive was the great actor behind it!

John Amos is a man of integrity, and most do not know that behind the scenes of the Good Times sitcom that he let it be known that he did not like the direction that the show was being taken because of the focus given to the JJ character to amplify his character being made to be a stereotypical clown.

John Amos As James Evans

John Amos felt that the show could be so much more even with the comedic twist but the producers butted heads with him constantly and eventually wrote the James Evans character off by having him killed in an automobile accident.

Much respect to John Amos for standing up to the powers that be who wanted to portray us as modern day minstrels to inspire the Black masses to follow the example much to our detriment.

This shows that the agenda to destroy us was in place from way back then, so if John Amos had resistance from those producers at that time, how do you think he would fare as a strong Black Father figure in the present day when a strong male presence is not acceptable in the mainstream media?

Of course it’s not acceptable today!

Do you think that John Amos would work alongside these flamboyant and flaming gay men that are all too common in these reality television shows that seek to offer a subconscious feeding ground to steer our young Black men to being Gay to NOT become the James Evans of tomorrow?

Lawrence - Real Housewives Of Atlanta - James Evans

These wicked show producers know that the shows that are offered have a very powerful effect on the subconscious mind of the young viewers and can make evil fair-seeming as the recipients of these shows will later manifest in real life what they have absorbed for years into their mind.

Think not? Well look at the world around you and the answer becomes very obvious. If you are in denial of this fact then you will refuse to see what can’t be denied and the trash that we watch has to take a big percentage of the blame for what is considered the norm in today’s world.

You’ve got to ask yourself, where ARE the James Evans’s of the world today and is there a connection between the removal of the Black Father figure from the media outlets and the deterioration of the youth as well as the confusion that is all too common in the sexual identities of these same misguided youngsters.

Several decades back at a time that really seemed like not too long ago, we had so many strong Black fathers who took no crap and ran their families with wisdom and a strong hand as we were all the better because of it.

While these now rare jewels of men may have possessed many different levels of from the college level to the high school dropout, the common thread amongst them all was that they had a respect for each other and the communities that their families resided in.

Sure, there were the wayward men who were bums and winos, but they were in the minority as you could feel the strength of the community because of the presence of these morally upright hard working men whose families were the first and foremost priority in their minds that motivated them in everything that they did.

James Evans represented this to the Black community and John Amos was the absolute perfect man to play the role because so much of what we saw in James Evans really was at the core of who John Amos was as an individual.

So in my eyes he had the easiest role of all of the Good Times cast as he was actually playing himself!

The Cast Of Good Times - James Evans

Whether he knew it or not, James Evans became a Father for many in Black America who didn’t have one.

James Evans was one of the many spiritually nutritious reasons why so many without Fathers flocked to the show in order to satisfy their minimum daily requirement of true manhood to avoid the deadly condition caused by the deadly disease called “Daddy Hunger.”

He was the one who took the sting out of being Fatherless in the 30 minutes that the show was on because HE would make everything alright and protect you from whatever seeks to bring you harm in your life.

Now sure, we know that a mere sitcom character couldn’t simply burst through the television screen and be a super hero to an entire community, but while John Amos probably never realized the positive ripple effect that he had on us at the time, looking back we all must agree that he was so crucial to our collective psyche’s at a very important historic crossroad.

There were definitely others. We had the greatest Muhammad Ali. We had the mighty John Shaft. We had the raw sensual lethal Jim Kelly. We had the larger than life Malcolm X. And who could not acknowledge the powerful yet soothing voice of James Earl Jones?

Tyler Perry - Madea - James Evans

I can go on and on forever but our current examples of manhood possess an ever diminishing level of masculinity that leaves the youth with no measuring stick of what makes a real man so they absorb the Madea’s of the world (Tyler Perry’s fictional cross dressing sensation) only because there is not much to choose from.

Having strong Black Fathers like James Evans ensures that our community would resist the levels of deterioration that is has gone to at the present time and the absence of men like him tells me that our current destruction is actually part of a controlled demolition that is truly by design.

James Evans was a man – and I speak in the past tense only because the show is not current – that you knew would shoot from the hip in any given situation.

If James Brown had to choose anyone from that era to exemplify his hit song “Papa Don’t Take No Mess”, it would hands down have to be James Evans/John Amos who would win the role.

James Brown - Papa Don't Take No Mess - Jame Evans

He was firm and relentless when he needed to be and at the same time could be so loving, gentle and nurturing in the very next moment. Not only did he portray Black strength to the entire world, but it showed that we are sensitive loving Fathers who possess an immeasurable amount of love not only for our families, but for our fellow man and communities as well.

In the present day and age I truly believe that the decision was made to keep any portrayal of a man like James Evans away from the mainstream stage in order to strike Black people on a psychological level to not have that example from which to draw strength from.

If you think my point has no validity then simply look out into the wild for all the proof that you need to see that what I’m saying is correct. You see baby squirrels playing and learning from the older squirrels in order to know how to be a squirrel and maximize their natural abilities that were inherent from birth. A squirrel will never learn an elephant no matter how good the intentions that the elephant may possess to nurture that squirrel.

So how can the feminized, homosexual, flaming examples of the new Black man as well as the violent, ruthless, mindless role models of a gangster rapper and totally carnal media platform of the current television help our Black men to be all that they were meant to be when anything resembling a God centered strong Black man and father figure is banned from its featured broadcast roster?

Gangster Rappers - James Evans

So with that being the case in today’s world with the media offerings, those of us who are aware of the controlled demolition of our masculine imagery must speak out and demand that we have role models that are put in place to help guide our youth in a righteous direction as opposed to those sellouts who would rather see us all sagging our pants to show us wearing woman’s pink laced panties.

As a now middle aged man I’m okay as my mold has been set in stone by the hard work of my parents who raised me and the indirect support of the much healthier media outlets at the time of my upbringing. John Amos as James Evans was most definitely one of those morally supporting structures in place to keep me and so many countless others walking the straight and narrow at a time when the consequences weren’t as deadly as they are today.

So here’s a HUGE THANK YOU to a man who has left an indelible mark on several generations right up to the present by taking the roles that would create a legacy whose foundation is dignified and would always lead our young men to true manhood and show our young women what a real man is!

Kunte Kinte - John Amos - James Evans

THANK YOU JOHN AMOS and the wonderful character who you portrayed named James Evans who in essence was really you all along!

The more Hollywood bans true righteous Black men like yourself is the more your moral stock skyrockets in our collective hearts!

…….we can never thank you enough and deep in every fiber of our beings you DO EXIST in the year 2014 and BEYOND!

Peace & Righteous Love Always,

Your Brother Who Is Cut From The Same James Evans Cloth ,



P.S: If anyone has direct contact with John Amos, let him know that I would love to interview him on my show and have him give me a call anytime!

Good Times

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  1. Michael T.

    I was feeling a bit out of it this past Saturday morning so instead of doing my normal routine of yard work, I laid up and watched a few episodes of Good Times on TV One. It has been a good while since I have watched Good Times so I had forgotten how great a character James Evans was, thus leading me to finding this site.

    I have to say that you are on point in this blog post. I’m glad I found it.

  2. eatmedouche

    Why does it seem that the black community has to refer to television “Dads” whenever looking for a good example? No sports figures or other celebrities we might have heard of? Just fictitious characters?



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