For the title of the show I have asked has social media detached our minds from experiencing reality.
I think I am truly qualified to answer this question simply because I have been on social media on a daily basis for the last 22 years at the time of this writing.
I would say that not only was I there before the name social media was ever used but the online experience was so much more nutritious for the mind body and soul in those long-forgotten days.
We had more online communities in the form of forums and groups. We have more individuals at that time that ran blogs that had so much traffic coming into them because of the specific communities that they served.
We absolutely never heard of the term going viral and when content was created it wasn’t based on a gimmick to get more views. We didn’t know what clickbait meant because we had so many more serious content creators that were not simply Internet creations but people who specialized in a particular area of expertise such as researchers, authors, and others who had information to share about their life’s work.
But after Facebook and YouTube arrived on the Internet seen things change drastically. I would call this period the post-MySpace era where the children who populated that platform got a little older and grew into Facebook and YouTube.
The content on YouTube at that time after it was created was basically harmless for a few years until it became a business to many with newfound rules to force people to behave themselves in a civil manner.
It was all so new to us back in those days and we took these newfound platforms as a gift to be indulged in without restraint. With the addition of WhatsApp, we rejoiced in the fact that we were not charged for long-distance phone calls. We were not charged to send pictures and share videos as well as talking to our friends and family and lifetime face-to-face.
We have become so intoxicated with this gift, especially after the marriage of social media with smartphones that it totally took our minds over not realizing that we were moving away from acknowledging the reality that we lived in.
We have become so intoxicated with our smartphones experiencing not only new realities but the extreme decadence that lurks in every corner of our world.
Now we see how the MySpace generation has grown to now being adults and having children of their own while social media is devouring the next generation of youngsters to the point that they know nothing else except what is presented to them in cyberspace.
Those of us who know what it is like to write several pages in school with a pen without making one mistake where if you did you would have to ball up the paper throw it away and start all over again, we have from that era the foundation of having a connection with reality.
We didn’t have spellcheck, we didn’t have these apps that would help us to write, and we pretty much knew how to spell and write a formal letter.
Back in those days, our attention span was vast and our ability to focus knew no end.
But when you fast-forward to the present time, you quickly realize that so many people are out of touch with reality to the point where they do not know reality and that is a very sorry state of affairs to exist in.
It’s sad to see that we have so much technology at our fingertips round-the-clock when we needed yet we become so detached, so nonproductive with our motivation reduced to extremely low levels.
What scares me is what will manifest in the near future from a generation who grew up and was raised in a very detached manner from reality. I remember back in my younger days we had treated schools for those youngsters who didn’t want to go to college but wanted to learn a trade where they can eventually have their own business. I remember the opportunities that so many youngsters were so enthusiastic about and having a shot at a civil service job that would take care of them for the rest of their lives if they did their 20 years to retire with full benefits.
I see too many youngsters and even grown people aspiring to be the next YouTube star and hoping to go viral but in essence, they are no better than the immature individuals going to the casino to gamble their mortgage money away foolishly and swearing that this time they know for a fact that they’re going to hit the big money.
The social development of too many of our youngsters today have been hampered to the point that this extreme addiction to social media has created a legion of children that are becoming social misfits that are detached from reality.
Is it me or could you also see the mass shootings in our schools by our youngsters who appear to be detached from reality and desensitized to the pain and suffering that they have caused by their actions?
I can go on and on forever proving my point but I want us to discuss tonight what we need to do to bring back the old-school practices that reared responsible adults. Now I’m not going to say that everything that was done the old-school way resulted in a perfect society, no, I wouldn’t say that. But what I will say is that the world today in 2023 is a far cry from the world that we had long before social media.
As one who is considered a content creator and is online every single day enjoying this hobby, that is all it has been to me as a hobby. While I do take it seriously and understand the influence that I do have on those who follow my work in a very small way, I know that there is a major degree of responsibility that I must have because of the wonderful people who trust in the perspectives that I share.
I would never want what I do to influence anyone to commit a crime or an act of violence that might result in murder. When I watch these engineered videos that many of us mistake the true black culture I understand why many will say it is leading our children straight into the pits of hell itself.
I look forward to you joining us and also sharing your viewpoints through your participation so we can at least make the changes to save some of our youth from the clutches of mass mind control engineered to turn them into zombies.