While I would never advocate violence inflicted on anyone in the workplace, it doesn’t really shock me at all when I see the amount of assaults and killings executed under the guise of “going postal.”
While every situation is quite different and the factors involved are as vast as the grains of sand on the beach, I would say that the perception of being slighted and denied something that’s rightfully earned by that employee could possibly be at the root of most cases where an unexpected bout of bloodshed and death transpires where people go to punch the clock everyday for their wages.
I mean, most employment relationships start out just like our romantic unions where a lot of promises are made in the beginning, and like those grand promises made after that first warm romantic kiss, these companies promise so much to get you in a state of mind to give your all to them but in hindsight they’ve merely seduced you with what you wanted to hear and it’s only then that you understand the game.
…….but while it may be a mere game to your employer, what they do not realize that this is your livelihood and definitely not a game to you!
While I can’t remember where I heard it stated, it was spoken that in most cases where a persons home is being foreclosed on, it is because of that last three or four hundred dollars a month that the homeowner just couldn’t come up with in order to keep their home and not being able to keep up with the payments! Not much at all you might think but this makes perfect sense when you truly absorb the truth in that statement.
So imagine how one feels when they work diligently and faithfully for a company who made those promises as you signed the dotted line upon your being hired. You felt so good to be gainfully employed once again and was ready to show what a great employee you could be and how you would display those wonderful work ethics that you possess in abundance deep down inside.
So imagine what it feels like when the hire ups in those same companies become elusive in their replies to you as to what happened why you did not receive the raise as stated in your hiring agreement.
You feel burnt and abused because when you think back to how you’ve been so meticulous in your efforts to fulfill every obligation as required by your employer, you just can’t find any category you’ve been deficient in and are beginning to feel the swell of resentment in your heart because you now know that the relationship between you and the company you work for is not what you thought it was.
But you still seem to hold on to the pipe-dream and come to work on time and do your best but there is a feeling in your chest that won’t go away from the realization that you are not seen as a person to your employer but are merely a faceless being whose main purpose is to fill a position that is easily filled.
So this really is the reason why so many lose it and return back to their former jobs to do harm to those who were instrumental in getting them fired and making one big joke of it as thought the terminated didn’t have feelings.
So you do unto them as you feel has been done unto you. Your mortgage has fallen behind while the CEO’s and top administration collect big bonuses and given luxury vehicles to be rewarded for their being so smart in saving the company lots of money for the firing of those like you and others.
You look at your children and wonder what are you going to tell them as to why you are going to have to move not to a place that is a step up, but to a homeless shelter that makes living on the street actual appear to be a better choice.
You think about the overheard conversations on how your top bosses have grand plans of moving to a more exclusive gated and guarded community while at the same time that grand decision would come at the expense of cutting your presence there out in order for them to indulge their greedy gluttonous desires even more so.
…….so now you understand why I say that I can see why those that hand out the pink slips in a cold and non-compassionate manner are usually the same ones who will be the reason why their own death certificates will be written with the same swiftness as the decision to fire their former employees’ and eventual assassins.
But since this is an inevitability in the job market across the board in many industries in the United States, let me also say that not all employers who let their workers go are evil greedy rich entities who do not care about their welfare. But some really do not have a choice because of how the economy has taken a backward slide.
So I must commend those employers who do try to keep their employees working and communicate their status so at least the news of their impending layoff won’t be a shock that will stun them into an unpredictable panic.
That’s humane. But to literally refuse an agreed upon documented raise to an employee without even an explanation of the blatant violation is even more of a slap in the face because it basically says that your boss has no respect for you at all and if you don’t like it then you can go work somewhere else because there are so many others who would love to work here in your position for HALF of the money so you better be glad to get what you get.
This my friends is the mentality of those same companies that lured you in so sweetly in the beginning with promises that they knew that they wouldn’t keep.
But fear not because that feeling of rejection can be replaced with one of empowerment and hope if one can muster up the mindset of thinking outside of that oppressive box that most companies encourage to stay in.
The in-house culture of most companies literally seduce you to giving up all free thought of doing for self financially into one of dependence on the company in order to handicap you into making you feel as though you are unable to be worth anything to yourself unless you remain subservient to the needs of the bigger corporate entity.
But as you are used by your job you have to know how to use them right on back and subsequently garnering the great feeling that you really are getting more out of a job than merely a paycheck. Most companies look done on this practice of self promotion but in this wonderful day of social media they can’t do a damn thing about it because your financial freedom is just a mouse-click away to share with the world your direct offering while at the same time cutting out that dreaded middle man who for the most part is your boss.
Business cards are such a wonderful weapon. Discreet, effective and straight to the point in stealth mode. Remember, you can never get fired if you are the boss!
Now I am not going to go into detail about what it is that you should do to make money and take your talent, service and abilities to the world as it will take some serious soul searching. But I will say that it is a wonderful way to channel your energy in a positive manner that would otherwise go into worrying and stressing over what may be in store for you on your job and if today will be the day that you will be handed that dreaded pink slip!
What a way to live!
So take charge of your life and work on your own financial future in a manner that is untouchable to that self serving employer so that if and when that day comes where you are given the boot you will understand that this event is not really a day to be upset in feeling hopeless because you’ve been fired but it is a day to rejoice because it is the day that you’ve been hired for life FULL TIME in a company where YOU’RE the boss!
Now isn’t that a beautiful thing?
But remember, in the infancy stage of your independent financial development through your own business, you must keep it quiet and away from the ears of those who employ you because you will be viewed as a threat even if your plans are not in the same area as your employer. They will want you to stay with them but if your rate of pay is “X” amount, then imagine that what they get out of you for THEIR pockets might be “10X” that amount or more depending on the industry and your position!
But you will pay yourself even more for your efforts in your own business but too many of us are kept fearful to swim in those waters of independence simply because we are indoctrinated to think that it is easier and more convenient to stay on those oppressive shores of being dependent on a self serving company.
The flip side of such a personal empowerment is the ever growing feeling that you are being done wrong and that since you never made the attempt to go after a dream of yours or set up something that will secure you outside of your so called job, that you are trapped in a situation where you are to beg at the feet of your “masters” for a few more crumbs that were never made for you to consume.
So you beg, cry, whine, protest and complain when you can simply stay quiet and under the radar playing the game to amass a fortune at the expense of a boss who sees your usefulness to him in a limited manner time wise not knowing that you view him in the same exact way!
So know that when you see on the news yet another unfortunate rampage of “Going Postal”, you are witnessing someone who never knew that the answer to their financial woes were always there inside of them and the pressure release system of positivity in your own business is the answer to never ever feeling those pressures from a boss that will always leave you overworked and underpaid!
I truly love my job because with the connections that I’ve made I have literally tens of thousands of people who face to face know what I am about and full support me in whatever future endeavors that I do and this is not even counting the even greater number who know my brand on cyberspace.
So it can be done if you put your mind to it and are willing to sacrifice because one of the most wonderful feelings in the world is when your boss tells you that your services are no longer needed and you can then smile in a genuine manner, extend your hand out to initiate a friendly handshake and reply to him or her that “It’s been a great run and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!”
Imagine the dumb look on their faces at that moment and the shock to your mentally enslaved coworkers who mutter under their breath at the news of your firing asking “now what is he/she going to do to make money now?”
That my friend is the furthest thing from your mind if you execute what I shared here with you and only those who never really planned another alternative means of securing several streams of independent income will be returning back very soon with revenge and vengeance in their heart from being done wrong when they could have spent the time proactively to do themselves right.
It’s all in how you think.
Never ever will I “go postal” on anyone because there is too much money out here to make and I don’t have the time to waste on trivial entities when living like a king with peace of mind is the absolutely best revenge!
You go INVEST with your time while they go PROTEST with theirs!
Use your employer just like he uses YOU!
…….everyday at work on the job will be Heaven on Earth when you think this way! Try it out sometimes!
Righteous Love & Peace Always,
Your Entrepreneurial Brother,