Tonight we go in on the hottest issue in the Black Church that has caused quite a stir in the last few hours!
We are going to go in DEEP on the video of the young man who has claimed that “I’m Not Gay No More” to be delivered from homosexuality and the tidal wave of debate, controversy and fiery responses from those on both side of the argument who either claim that it is possible to be set free from homosexuality as well as those who say that it is impossible.
One of the reasons why this has set off such a storm is that homosexuality has always been a touchy issue in the Black church with many choosing to deal with it head on as well as those who’ve opted to hide their head in the sands of denial about it.
Make sure to tune in to this program and listen to our own Pastor Damon Richardson break down this latest phenomenon of controversy as well as all who desire to call in and participate!
Intelligent dialogue is what will transpire here tonight and insults, put downs and ignorance will not be tolerated!
See you there!
Time: Tuesday November 11, 2014 @ 12:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time
Place: The LanceScurv Show <—–Click here at showtime to hear the entire program live on your computer or smartphone!
Call In Number: 760-259-2310 – Call in to listen or join in with your opinions on the discussion. You DO NOT need a computer to participate in the show, all you need is your phone.
Anonymously Call The LanceScurv Hotline to share your stories and opinions on the show topic at 407.590.0755 – 24 hours a day, seven days a week!
If you have any issues getting to the show, feel free to call me on my personal cell ( 407-924.8793) and I will get you squared away with any problems that you might have!
Also, the entire program will be uploaded to my YouTube channel ( the very next day for your listening convenience just in case you’ve missed it.