Back in the 1970’s, Iris Pendleton was just like any other young lady growing up in Philadelphia who had dreams and aspirations.
It was a wonderful time to grow up back then and she recalls many found memories of family, neighbors and activities that made life the sweet experience that God meant for it to be.
While no situation or life is ever perfect, she knew from way back then that she had a lot to be thankful for and realized how blessed she was.
She loved her family, as they were a constant source of love and support as one goes through the normal highs and lows of that adolescent period that we all remember with a smile.
But then the dream turned ugly on that day of March 29, 1984 when Iris – now 20 years old – had to face a terrible reality that she never had to deal with back in the old neighborhood where she was from where there were no gang wars, no shootouts and no threat of the usually accepted inner city urban struggles that are so well known to the world abroad.
She knew nothing of this before this day, and it was on that day that her beloved Brother, the employed hard working, law abiding, basketball loving Carlisle would meet a fate that would change his world as well as his sister Iris’s and family, FOREVER!
Carlisle was snatched up for a crime that he didn’t commit because it was a physical impossibility for him to even be present at the crime scene.
When the crime that he was wrongly arrested for transpired, Carlisle was at work!
So how could North Philadelphia’s 39th and 24th Police district make such a blatant mistake?
Well listen in to this compelling story that has an innocent man behind bars FOR LIFE simply because the Police needed “a body” to blame as a scapegoat just to get another “collar” and notch on their dirty Police career accomplishments.
He’s been locked up since that terrible March day in 1984 and his loving and very determine Sister will not give up no matter how many doors are slammed in her face or calls not returned.
To expose this wrongdoing would be to expose the dirty D.A., the crooked Cops, the twisted system and the Judges who know what really went down!
Listen intently to the personal story of Iris Pendleton as she fights to free her beloved and innocent brother Carlisle! My audio of things wrong with the case that stole my brother from us in early 1984. My petition is on change,org . Please sign it to have the case finally re-looked at to expose the ugly truths of corruption, falsified documents and lies to free an innocent man. He was 19 and now 50, innocent and incarcerated. Please sign My audio of things wrong with the case that stole my brother from us in early 1984.
Listen to my audiio and you be the judge
Fantastic, Barbara! You inspired me.
Innocent Philadelphia Man Gets Life For A Crime He Didn’t Commit! – The …:
Listen to my interview, like and please repost and send for all your friends to listen, ENLIGHTENING
Hello,we have sent Innocence Program the info Jan. of last yr. We haven’t heard anything yet. Also we thought they only took DNA cases cause they may be a little easier to proof then a case with no DNA and missing records, hopefully they’ll take the case.
Why hasn’t she contacted the innocence project who takes on cases like this