Jazzilla “Queen Jazzie” Kong takes no prisoners in this brutally raw 3 hour rant going in on those Black men who do not do the right thing with their children, their Wives/Girlfriends etc. and their communities.
Some will applaud her words and others will downright hate them, but where ever you find yourself on the wide scale of approval one has to admit that she expresses herself in a matter befitting of a very talented comedic genius!
Understand that this is her truth and she is speaking out in an uncensored uncut manner without interruption.
We welcome all to share their perspectives on what Queen Jazzie had to share as she will definitely address those expressions directly here and on subsequent shows that we will be having with her on a regular basis.
As always, please like, comment, share & subscribe!
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LanceScurv is an Insightful Culture Critic, Entertaining Podcast Host, Relentless Blogger, Talented Cartoonist & Omnipotent Social Media Activist who focuses on the issues that the Mainstream Media is deathly afraid to touch and living an interesting productive life to the fullest! Subscribe!
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