Maybe one day some of us will figure out that Karma is a bitch because we gave her no other choice!
Why is it that when Karma comes around to give us our just due that we want to react as though we are shocked when we know that we are only getting what we deserve?
We already knew it would eventually happen deep down inside.
But we put a show on for the world as though we will convince Karma to not inflict its righteous wrath on our lives as much as we deserve it.
You can only draw out of a bank account what you put into it.
How can you expect to go to the bank and take out four million dollars when you’ve been treating your account’s overdraft protection feature as though it’s money that belongs to you?
How can you expect to drive across the country and not expect to fill your gas tank?
How can you as a man expect NOT to eventually be served those papers requesting that you take a court ordered D.N.A. test when you’ve been running wild having unprotected sex with every woman who opens her legs to you to allow you to freely spray her with baby seed like it’s going out of style?
How can you expect to live in that beautiful house without ever paying the mortgage obligation that got you in there in the first place?
How could you expect a woman to stay dedicated to you when you are constantly cheating on her, beating on her and speaking negativity into her soul daily?
We as humans seem to believe that we are above the law and what makes this twisted trait even worse is that the more we get away with is the more that we do!
We have become like that mouse who was once afraid of the old blind complacent cat who sat by the mouse hole in the wall only to become brazen enough to walk out in front of him to eat the cheese without any fear of being caught and eaten himself.
The bold attitude of that mouse gave him the nerve to eventually sit on top of the cats head and eat all of the crumbs that he desired until the true nature of the cat came out and all that was left of the mouse was a bloody tale and a few strands of hair.
So understand that while in some cases while Karma may take some time to come around, it always comes through on time because Karma works on its own time clock and we never know when it will strike!
We have to know that we will never leave this plain of existence without paying our debts to it in order to leave the situation fairly to gain permission to move on.
It’s almost like stuffing your pockets with electronically tagged merchandise and being shocked when the sensors at the door buzz of like crazy to reveal to security that you are guilty of theft.
That’s how Karma works and no matter how long you hang out in the store of life you must understand that Karma’s sensors of righteousness can never be avoided no matter how much you lie to yourself.
But in actuality, the principle of Karma is a good thing…….
When you live a disciplined life enough to get up on time to never be late to work, you will never be fired for tardiness.
When you keep other people’s business out of your mouth and mind, you’ll never be confronted unexpectedly in public because of something that you shared that you had no clue about.
When you pay people’s money back on time that you borrowed, you’ll never have to look over your shoulder or duck and dodge.
The point is that Karma is not a bad thing after all and that anyone who complains about their dealings with her probably gave her a reason to be a Bitch with a capital “B.”
Karma is one of the most fair forces in the universe and will never let anyone off the hook of her wrath if they deserve it.
But one thing Karma will always be known for is the rewarding of those individuals with their just due in time.
So while justice in this world may not be as swift as you may desire, you can best believe that Karma is watching and recording ones every move in order to serve them properly with the justice that their situation deserves.
You may not be around personally to witness their reward or demise, but you can be rest assured that in this perfect creation where everything eventually balances out, that we all will be compensated for the things that we do in this life good or bad before it’s all said and done.
Just make an attempt to make sure that your good far outweighs the bad and that you seek forgiveness from God not by paying Him simple lip service, but by putting into motion a life that reflects your efforts to correct the divine violation that you were guilty of committing.
It’s as simple as that so when you see someone having to pay their Karma bill off in full unexpectedly don’t ever offer them any sympathy or alleviate their punishment.
For to attempt to thwart their judgment would cause you to inherit their sentence and stand in proxy to receive the rest of it.
It’s called being an accessory to a crime even if the crime was committed long before.
If you house the fugitive, then you are to face the charges of Karma.
If you drive away the bank robber and help him make his exit, then you must face the consequences of an angry Karma.
If you witness a rape and remain silent without calling the authorities, then you are just as guilty in Karma’s eyes because of your lack of integrity to act.
So not only must we avoid doing things that will bring an angry Karma to our front door expecting full payment, we must also act according as a loving human being who will reflect the heart of God in everything that we do or face the same fate.
If we do right we have nothing to worry about and we can live our lives with a clear conscious with Karma being our friend.
……but if we live a crooked life, we will never enjoy the beauty, the peace of mind, the wonderful state of God-centeredness as well the abundance of gifts that this world is chock full of.
You see, Karma is not really a Bitch, but sometimes we simply just give her no other choice!
Peace & Righteous Love Always,
Your Brother Who Has A Great Relationship With Karma,
Text or Call Me Anytime!