Lance Scurvin shares a few kind words on the love that he was shown from an overwhelming amount of the wonderful people who took the time to wish him a Happy Birthday this past April 8, 2011 in which turned 48 years old.
It was a testimony to the sleepless nights and sacrificed days off to see how many individuals shared so much love that day via e-mail, phone calls, text messages and Facebook, Twitter, BlackPlanet and other Social Networks.
“I pride myself in being accessible to the precious people who have made this journey in creativity such a very special one by validating all of the painful experiences in my life as well as all things joyous and everything in between that has been the palette from which I draw from to weave the creations in the imaginative manner and style that I am known for!”
“Life is so sweet since I have been blessed to have the quality individuals who have encouraged me down throughout the years and have supported my efforts by the kind words that they have shared in abundance. It means so much more to me than you could ever know!”
“While I couldn’t ever physically answer back each and every one of you, do know that I read EVERYTHING sent to me and know all of you here online as it brings a smile to my soul to read your comments whether it is agreed on or not. We are family and while we may not always agree, our bond is so much stronger than any differences and we will grow on a personal level as we dialogue, share ideas and help each other with our individual life experiences. We are family.”
“This is the one reason why I work as hard as I do at this unique medium because I know that in the end, we will be closer to each other and to our God more than ever before. And if my expressions have helped to accomplish this in just one iota, then I will feel extremely successful!”
God Bless You!
Lance Scurvin
“America’s Most Outspoken Artist”