This particular posting is just to pass along another story of possible interest to some who may be following the expressions that I create here online. The bus company that employs me (Lynx Transportation of Orlando, Florida), was kind enough to do a feature story on me because of the well known passion my art and writing.
It was a very pleasant surprise when I received the call early one morning from the Lynx administration to hear that they were interested in learning more about my passion as the word had obviously gotten around about what I do. Half asleep and probably sounding a bit out of it, I quickly got into “soundbite” mode and shared a few anecdotes from my vast life experiences as they were absorbed for later use in the magazine.
It truly speaks volumes about a company that encourages individual expression even if one may not always agree with a particular point of view. I think it is a very healthy practice for any employer to reward an individual for their enrichment and diversity in the many activities that staff indulge in as a personal hobby. I have seen so much talent around me and I cannot wait to see who is showcased next!
I will keep this short but I really have to say how nice it was of them to showcase something that I am so passionate about and have to thank them here publicly via the internet as I did already in person because not only was it a pleasure to share my story with my fellow employees, but it IS a joy to go to work everyday and work at a company that is so enjoyable and beneficial to my personal creativity and life.
The constant stimulation, the people, the unique experiences, the sense of movement and the fact that no two days are ever the same truly keep me stirred up and ready to write, draw and make my videos!
That being said, I take my hat off to the Lynx Transportation Company for encouraging me with my God given talents and extending my reach further than I could EVER imagine and for that I am forever thankful!
God Bless You!
Lance Scurvin