On this episode of The LanceScurv Show we went go in deep on the current events of the day as it seems that incidents are happening at an accelerated rate beyond all measure and reason!
We encourage everyone to chime in to listen and participate in our live forum that guarantees to be an information packed entertaining episode that will leave your mind, body and soul stimulated in the mightiest way!
The call in number is 407.924.8793 and the alternate call in number is 321.240.2548.
Don’t miss this one for ANYTHING!
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LanceScurv is an Insightful Culture Critic, Entertaining Podcast Host, Relentless Blogger, Talented Cartoonist & Omnipotent Social Media Activist who focuses on the issues that the Mainstream Media is deathly afraid to touch and living an interesting productive life to the fullest! Subscribe!
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PHONE/TEXT: 407.924.8793