How Long Should A Woman Help A Man Before He Gets On His Feet Financially?
This scenario appears to be an ever increasing situation as what was formerly a taboo issue becomes even more commonplace and even mainstream to affect the dilemmas that we must face in our relationships at the current time.
While every romantic union may be quite different, the fact of the matter is that no matter how you slice it, a woman who is set financially and totally independent helping a man who isn’t is still a touchy subject indeed.
Do the dynamics matter from one relationship to another whether it is just fine for a woman to take care of a man who can’t bring anything of value to the table or is it a one size fits all answer that ignores those individual variables?
Is it the same if the man in a married couple who has been established for numerous years takes a hit in the form of a job loss, health issues that render him unable to work or maybe an unseen bout with depression as opposed to a woman putting a damn near stranger up that she met at the club last week who is jobless but gave her good sex?
Where do we draw the line when the actual line can be so blurred from person to person?
Some women are so desperate for a man to be in their lives that they’ve put up with the excuses from their “in-house bum” for years as to why he can’t get up and work.
Not only that, but this type of union has become the norm for entire neighborhoods as the morning rush to work is filled with a disproportionate amount of women who are holding it down while their man-bums at home don’t ever have to worry about an alarm clock because they have nothing to do for the day except to masturbate the remote control for yet another free day sitting on their backsides.
How much of this phenomenon can be attributed to a job market in free fall that seems to favor women in the workplace over the man?
Is there a general time line that the ladies should adhere to strictly no matter what the individual factors or should we take it on a case by case basis.
Can an unfortunate situation that is truly legit go from an employment grace period of adjustment to just downright taking advantage?
I want us all to go through this topic with a fine tooth comb and would appreciate our listeners to contribute with their opinions, wisdom, wit and horror stories on a situation that is all too common without any guidelines to go by to help many of our sisters who are sick and tired of being put in the position of having no choice to be a grown man’s Mother!
How long should a woman help a man before he gets on his feet?
We want to hear from you!
Time: Friday March 21, 2014 @ 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
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A half hour later, I came back and he sends me a message saying, “It took you a long time to finish your shower. Again, remember these are first impressions – don’t scare them away with your written profile by getting too personal too quickly. I was a little thrown off that he called me four times in two hours, but I figured that since he was trying to set up a date, maybe that was normal.