Now how many of us when we were young and naive thought that love could conquer all?
We had puppy love, that first love, the fantasies and yearnings. And in all of those mental celebrations of what we thought love would be like, reality wasn’t ever in the equation.
Oh how hard life hit us when the truth came to light about how things REALLY work in the relationship department!
When we were young and sneaking a little time together on Mommas watch we didn’t have to worry about the fridge being empty every time we opened it.
We didn’t have to feel around in the dark because the light bill wasn’t paid. NO! all we had to do was to make sure to get up and out before our Mother, Father, Grandmother or Grand Daddy got home!
Now we get to age of adulthood and things have changed drastically, gone are the endless hours of free time that we has as youngsters who were hot in the pants and short on common sense. Most of us hopefully were out of Momma’s house and that light bill had to be paid and the fridge had to be filled.
This thing called rent was that unwelcome enemy that seemed to come all too fast making a month feel like 5 days. Time was an ever diminishing asset that after spending most of the day working one or two jobs, studying for that school exam or just plain old doing the housework had us wondering if those not too long ago golden years of sweet romance were some kind of dream as to even THINK about the past made our present time HURT!
Now we’re approached with the prospect of going out with someone who seems to be interested in a bit more than just simple chatter and conversation, but we can’t HELP but wonder if they’re going to add to the pot or become a mere liability in our world because as hard as times are we now know that LOVE DON’T PAY NO BILLS!
Tune in tonight for a show of explosive proportions!
Time: Friday July 12, 2013 @ 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Place: <—–Click here at showtime to hear the entire program live on your computer or smartphone!
Call In Number: 760-259-2310 – Call in to listen or join in with your opinions on the discussion. You DO NOT need a computer to participate in the show, all you need is your phone.
If you have any issues getting to the show, feel free to call me on my personal cell ( 407-590-0755 ) and I will get you squared away with any problems that you might have!
Also, the entire program will be uploaded to my YouTube channel ( the very next day for your listening convenience just in case you’ve missed it.