The encouraging words have flown effortlessly and abundantly today as that our God given gift of a spiritual conduit of wisdom known lovingly to us as Mizante’, shares a message for someone who specifically needs to hear it, although you may be going through some especially challenging times in your life right now that everything will be alright if you just keep the faith and hold on!
It’s always a pleasure to vibe with our dear friend and confidante and it was no different on this day. It was a beautiful day and it was a pleasure to feel so alive as the sun’s rays reflected brightly down on us as we gave thanks for another wonderful day.
What was even more of an epiphany to me was that this time spent was ordained to happen and using us as an example if we didn’t hold on to our faiths through our own trials and tribulations, we wouldn’t have been blessed to see this day manifest as beautifully as it has! Proof positive that behind every mountain of an obstacle that there is a captivating sunset and behind every storm cloud are the warm life giving rays of the sun! Never forget that!