In the latest episode of European Culture Vultures who steal African creativity for their own profit, sodomite Marc Jacobs brazenly steals the African Bantu Knot and re-markets it as “Mini Buns” much to the delight of those who’ve always been envious of the hairstyle!
Why don’t these thieves come up with their own original ideas?
You want to know why? They HAVE no original ideas of their own to match all things African and this is why when you trace most things back to the root you will see a Black face there in the beginning!
But too many of us are afraid to call these vampires out and because of our hesitance to do so will sit by in an idle fashion while we are written out of history!
Marc Jacobs is doing nothing that is not in his nature to do, but we have to stand up in every way imaginable and make these thieves pay!
But too many of us are still caught up in a Madison Avenue that doesn’t give a damn about your Black ass unless they can profit from it to chew you up and spit you out in the process!
When will we understand that it all comes from us and that we don’t need to honor and worship those who are merely wearing our style while walking down their fashion runways?
Our style, our natural beauty, our complexion, our coloring, our Melanin, our lips, our asses, our sensuality, our strength, our spirituality & OUR EVERYTHING is not for sale and can never be transferred so stop supporting these criminals and look within to exude a love for everything that we are!
If we don’t we will be written OUT of history and be left with the scraps from a dinner table where we were never welcomed in the first place!
As always, please like, comment, share & subscribe!
we also call it “Chiney Bump” in Jamaica, because thats whats in the hair
of the Budha.
keep strong bro this world is so wicked and people are in their own sins
that they hate the truth. have the truth set us free as black people? we
are still in the systems of things which are spiritual from the down fall
of Adam it continues. but judgment we come one day . love you bro.-|-
100% dead on
They just wanna be like us, that’s all, but all we gotta do is correct them
on what it is.Correct their ignorance.
Some terms your fans might want to research: Hebrew, Igbo, Lemba, Bantu,
Zulu, Negro… Semitic languages, Afro-Asiatic languages…
Judah in Egypt all over again. Creativity in captivity.
I’ve seen quite a few white people with Black hairstyles. But they’re
either Bohemian or into drugs and trying to do what they think is fitting
Marc Jacobs the batts! #Hell fire
Great video! when white people copy us it is called art
Whites are going to hate this, but it is truth in this vid.
When I was ROCKING this hairstyle, we called them Nubian Knots. Now we
have this Satanic Sodomite Marc Jacobs trying to give our ICONIC Hairstyle
a generic name?! He will never OWN it by the way! HUH! What a JOKE! Get
the fuck outta here!!!
Anyone who is NOT living under a rock knows that Nubian Knots, Bantu Knots,
etc. is associated with Black Women.
Now this FOOL wants to try and claim and rename our Hairstyle and reduce
the name associated with Black People to something that sounds like FOOD!
I especially hate when Sodomite Men continue to dictate how women should
wear their clothes and LOOK (ex. make-up, hair).
They watch us like a hawk!! Can’t they create something with their own
culture? LEAVE US ALONG!!
just a bunch of thieves,mate. fucking pirates and parasites
“mini buns” lol yeah ok at least come up with a better fake name
Thank You, brother. This is getting out of control
Seperation is the key!!!
Well said!
Seperation is the key!!!