Money makes people do some very strange things.
Having it or not having are two very vast ends of a spectrum that makes them do some very strange things.
Striking a balance from within when dealing with our feelings toward money no matter where we find ourselves on that ever changing spectrum just might help to bring us some peace in our lives as we strive to make ends meet.
Some people will say that money is the root of all evil but maybe it could be ignorance toward the way money works might be the primary culprit as the majority of marriages end in divorce because of the diametrically opposed views toward this very necessary item.
But why the confusion when all will agree that two plus two is four and six minus eight is negative two?
With something so clear and indisputable in front of our very eyes, why is it that too many of us are finding our checking account balances in the negative when we have no excuse to allow it to get that way?
Maybe something is clogging our minds and blocking our view toward something that should be so simple to handle on paper but terrible difficult when put into practice.
Maybe there is an unseen but very real spiritual element that is lacking that should be taught in order for us to put into place the missing factors that will allow us to carry on prosperous and progressive lives in the manner that our Creator has desired for us.
But the question must be asked, did our Makers plan for our lives even include the exchange of money for services and goods and if not why do we do this in the present time?
…….and if there are laws in our handling of money then why haven’t most of us been taught them and to whose benefit is it that our ignorance of money be perpetuated?
On this night we will dialogue with a man who has a knowledge of all things financial but has a very unique manner and perspective from which he will speak and share.
Be prepared to be greatly enlightened or possibly having all of your preconceived knowledge of the mighty dollar shattered in a way that will let most of us know just why we find ourselves struggling in that dreaded place of dire straits!
We will definitely go deep with this one and hope that we all come away affected in a positive way. See you there!
Time: Friday January 24, 2014 @ 11 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Place: <—–Click here at showtime to hear the entire program live on your computer or smartphone!
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Also, the entire program will be uploaded to my YouTube channel ( the very next day for your listening convenience just in case you’ve missed it.