1. Naomi Osaka who won 4 times the Grand Slam Tennis Tournaments is battling with depression and this week, she quitted the French tournament because she was being pressured and threatened because she refused to talk about her mental illness in public. Suffering depression, major anxiety and mood disorder myself, it pains me very deeply to see a 23 year old girl being berated because she has a disability. She dropped out of the tournament and posted this statement on Twitter:
2. It is imperative that we address this. In a way we will be comparing colonial occupation of the French versus UN occupation, versus trading with the Chinese and the Russians:
3. Here is a crash course of the focal point for Saturday, to give you an idea of the discrimination non-white women athletes are facing:
Semenya too has been battling with depression because of how she has been harassed about her sexuality.
4. Finally… I don’t know how many times we should address this but our people are too vulnerable and credulous. Any asshole can claim to be a prophet and they tell us jump, and we black people simply ask “how high” without even questioning his credentials.