The story of Noah and the flood is told in the book of Genesis, which is the first book of the Bible. According to the Bible, God saw that the earth had become corrupt and filled with violence, so He decided to wipe out all living creatures with a great flood and start over with Noah and his family.
Noah was a righteous man who walked with God, and God chose him to build an ark to save himself, his family, and a pair of every kind of animal from the flood. The ark was to be made of gopher wood and coated with pitch to make it waterproof. It was to be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.
Noah obeyed God and built the ark according to His instructions. He also gathered two of every kind of animal, both male and female, and brought them into the ark. He also took with him his wife, his three sons, and their wives.
When everything was ready, the flood came upon the earth. It rained for forty days and forty nights, and the waters covered the earth, destroying everything in their path. But Noah and his family and all the animals were safe in the ark.
After the flood had subsided, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. Noah sent out a raven and then a dove to see if the waters had receded, and eventually, the dove brought back an olive leaf, indicating that the waters were indeed receding.
Noah and his family and the animals stayed in the ark for a total of 371 days. When they finally left the ark, God made a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy the earth with a flood again. God also gave Noah and his family the responsibility to repopulate the earth.
The story of Noah and the flood is considered a significant event in the Bible and has been interpreted in many different ways by different people throughout history. Some see it as a literal account of a global flood, while others view it as a symbolic story with a moral lesson about the consequences of sin and the importance of obedience to God.