Obama Applauds Bruce Gender-Bender: SHAME ON YOU! – The LanceScurv Show

Bruce Jenner aka Caitlyn Jenner aka Bruce Gender-Bender, makes the headlines because he so desperately wants to collect Social Security as a woman in his old age and must make a spectacle of the ordeal in the public.

To make matters worse, President Barack Obama – who has NEVER addressed the Black Community directly and consistently like he does all others in his presidency – Tweets Bruce/Caitlyn directly with words of support!

Support for what?

This is not the first time our dear President let it be known that he fully supports all things LGBT, but what happened to even ACKNOWLEDGING that there is a Black Holocaust STILL transpiring right up under our noses with the systematic disenfranchisement of an entire people to profit the elite at our expense?

Nooooooo! He can’t touch that one!

Vanity Fair

But President Obama will keep the mental, physical and spiritual support on all things immoral by making a point to be seen standing up for something that is diametrically opposed to the Christianity that he claims to be his faith.

Do you have any secrets of your own that you just might reveal to Michelle and the world after your final term is over in office?

You know, you hear things but you try not to take them so serious but it’s getting to the point where I just don’t know about you Barack!

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Shane Law
Shane Law
July 21, 2015 1:26 PM

So if my daughter comes home saying she hates her body I should encourage
her to love herself as is… But if my son comes home wanting to become a
girl I should run to the doctor to get his penis cut

Bruce was too much of a coward to speak “his truth” years ago before
getting married to three different women and having children. He chose to
live a lie, cowardly dragging everyone that is close to him into that lie
with him. Coward enough to live that lie to win his gold medal because he
could not have done it as a woman back then. Now that he has forced his
loved ones (while media is forcing the world) to accept and acknowledge his
decision… He’s a hero?? Not in my book.

Rip Van
Rip Van
June 17, 2015 7:22 AM

Bruce Jenner is celebrated. Chaz Bono is celebrated. Obama calls and
personally congratulates people like Michael Sams, Jason Collins, and the
Windsor woman, who are behaving in ways that contradict the theory that we
humans are still a species. Yet the political Left and the Obamas have
extended no love or support to the Spokane NAACP president who identified
as Black. She attended an HBCU and has a Black husband with whom she and he
have conceived and delivered a child who is made up of 50% of each’s DNA
(without a surrogate, I presume). She passed as Black without medical,
surgical, or pharmaceutical intervention – no excisions or implants. She
described several life experiences that were not true (whereas Jenner and
Bono have also described personal beliefs and occurrences that cannot be
truth, and have undergone invasive bodily interventions that go against the
natural biology and physiology of the half of the species that each is a
DNA and phenotypic member. Yet Jenner and Bono have been greatly celebrated
by the political Left). I am a Black American adult male, a trained medical
doctor, who has endured the medical claims of certain factions of the
medical and psychiatric communities that have supported lgbt delusions that
are IMPOSSIBLE to substantiate, yet accepted in mainstream society as
proven truths. In conclusion, if one group can claim to be something other
than its absolute self by proclaiming life experiences contradictory to his
or her natural biology and physiology, then the Spokane NAACP president
(now resigned) should be just as celebrated for making claims about her
life experiences to legitimize her racial-orientation. The ends do justify
the means. Otherwise, all lies are equal whether in the mind or in the

Alana H
Alana H
June 9, 2015 12:25 AM

The hero is the person they led on for many years!

June 8, 2015 8:52 AM

We have reaped what we have sown. President Obama never cared about us in
the first place. Socially, The US have been worst under his presidency.

June 5, 2015 6:21 PM

Should’ve never voted for dude…i admitt i got caught up in the first
black president hype…this guy suspect no bullshit to late now he got his
two terms

Cameron Varner
Cameron Varner
June 5, 2015 4:24 PM

Isn’t it amazing how Christians complain about LGBT people shoving their
ideals down other people’s throats, yet they’ve been doing the exact same
thing for thousands of years? Practice what you preach.

Diamond storm
Diamond storm
June 5, 2015 12:02 PM

What’s funny about this is that when Bruce did his first interview about
transitioning on the E! network, he specifically stated that he didn’t vote
for Obama and he didn’t care for him.

Belinda Kaysac
Belinda Kaysac
June 4, 2015 10:37 PM

Gender benders are sodomites. They are confused. It’s a disease called
sexual orientation Bruce is being used by the illuminati cabal for their
agenda to blurt the lines and feminize men… Disgusting!

Belinda Kaysac
Belinda Kaysac
June 4, 2015 10:31 PM

The man has a dick and Obama’s wifey has a dick as well! You can see it in
pictures. Bet the man/ woman in the White House will come out in all his
glory,embarrass his daughters and say” I am finally free!”

Belinda Kaysac
Belinda Kaysac
June 4, 2015 10:27 PM

Of course the asshole will applaud Brucie Jenner, he’s been living with a
transgender for, how long? He is gay and his wife/ husband is a man. Gross!
I am not condoning this bullshit!

John Robinson
John Robinson
June 4, 2015 10:57 AM

Lance speaks the truth.

John Robinson
John Robinson
June 4, 2015 10:56 AM

Is there actually people that think this change is ok?

This nation man! Good thing I am Cuban.

R Davis
R Davis
June 3, 2015 5:08 PM

What was Obama supposed to say something negative? I personally don’t
understand why people personal choices affect others it’s as if people love
to stay up in negativity. I’m almost positive that Caitlyn, Obama, etc
aren’t bothered by anyone’s personal opinion about them because at the end
of the day you’re all non factors.

I personally could care less about someone else life because i’m busy
living my own. People speak of the Bible but don’t live by the word
themselves and I say this because you see, and hear so much of things
coming to the surface about these so called “religious” people that have
manipulated people to the point to where people can’t/don’t think for
themselves. People are supposed to follow GOD not man!

None of us are without faults/issues this person was brave enough tell the
and live in their truth in the open and I commend them for that because
many folks live and hide behind lies. We all will answer to GOD and when
the time comes just hope that YOU will receive Jesus mercy/grace and you
enter the gates of heaven.

People need to worry about their lives and stay up out of others……

Star the Creole Queen
Star the Creole Queen
June 3, 2015 10:35 AM

Your absolutely right Obama doesn’t care about the black community I can’t
believe he would speak out on this what about all the deaths of black men
and women also Obama just signed an Act called the Blue Act which will
protect Cops from Us ! Wtf shouldn’t it be the other way around ? Bunch of
bs the gay agenda is getting out of control pretty soon half of America
will be gay or Transgender , now they are coming out with a new TV show
about Transgender families ! I’m appalled I have small kids and they don’t
need to ever see no confusing shit like this. God told us not to do this
yet and still people are doing it smh

Bum Head
Bum Head
June 3, 2015 9:13 AM

Bruce Jenner is a weirdo and President Obama a disgrace.

brown buter
brown buter
June 3, 2015 7:59 AM

Bruce Jenner/Caitlin Jenner is worth 100 million dollars he don’t need
over time anywhere…but i think i get what you’re saying though

leilani dupree
leilani dupree
June 3, 2015 5:39 AM

Boy oh boy! you took the words out of my mouth, I was waiting for someone
to stand up an speak some truth on the matter! I’m sick an tired of this
gay agenda,trying to force everyone to accecpt this foolery!

June 3, 2015 12:06 AM

hobama a fruitcake,mate

Eva Johnson
Eva Johnson
June 2, 2015 5:52 PM

Thanks Lance for speaking the truth! All these men “transitioning” to be a
woman. Just one thing: what makes a woman (atleast the kind men want to be)
is a WOMB. Otherwise, he’s just playing dress up. Don’t they get
professional counseling before these procedures? Doctors and Psychiatrists
should let these men know that “certain things” can be removed, but we
can’t give you a womb, we can make you have monthly cycles, and these
things are God’s doing so the world could procreate. There would be NO ONE
on earth if two of the same kind tried to make a baby.

K. Halli
K. Halli
June 2, 2015 5:01 PM

I could not wait to hear your take!

June 2, 2015 3:21 PM

The gay agenda is in over drive

kimberly santana
kimberly santana
June 2, 2015 2:19 PM


Gatta Harmon
Gatta Harmon
June 2, 2015 1:28 PM

100% True

June 2, 2015 12:01 PM

First Jason Collins now Bruce Jenner those LGBT checks must be nice Obama
will not bite the hand that feeds him.

Miss Gang Smashers
Miss Gang Smashers
June 2, 2015 10:58 AM

Hollywood Freaks, Political Freaks…Obama is co-signing this sick mess
because he is Gay and Michelle/Michael Obama is a Tranny! Let’s keep it

June 2, 2015 10:31 AM

This topic or issue is scary, to say the least, while I’m not speaking up
for this type of lifestyle, I can understand walking or traveling on your
personal journey in honesty. This is just the beginning of the age of
Aquarius…Know Thy Self family.

brown tee
brown tee
June 2, 2015 10:08 AM

Speak the truth Lance. This gay agenda is a push for perversion. It doesn’t
has anything to do with “freedom” or “being yourself”, this is just a
bunch of perverted people who want you to accept their sick lifestyle.

June 2, 2015 10:00 AM

I think he was walking around the house and just started finding stare
kardashian parts. Notice how big that “S” is on the cereal box? Put it in
the front. “Swheatie” haha He’s been telling us!

Chi T
Chi T
June 2, 2015 9:42 AM

Lifes gone down low

June 2, 2015 9:35 AM

Well spoken… People need to wake up, as the hidden agenda is not so
hidden anymore.

June 2, 2015 9:32 AM

Nice video scurv. Obama is just a corporate puppet for the mainstream media

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