While the majority of society in the Western world doesn’t seem to act too shocked at the prospect of an older man with a younger woman, the older woman younger man pairing still seems to raise some eyebrows for some reason.
Shouldn’t it be fair that if two people who are consenting adults who decide to get in a relationship or any type of pairing along the range of a marriage all the way down to a one night stand have the right to do so if they choose?
In this episode we ask the pertinent questions and get down to what the real deal is with our attitudes toward this type of union.
There are many stereotypes that rule over our minds when we see this as every woman who may have some years over her mate is not necessarily a cougar.
Feel free to leave your perspectives on this topic in the comments section below and thank you for spending your precious time here with us and you’re always welcome to come back anytime.
Your Brother,