Pedophiles are everywhere!
You’ve got to be so careful!
In a sensitive story that has been gaining much ground in the last week, a Maryland Father struck the male school teacher with a baseball bat after discovering the inappropriate text messages on his daughters phone from Perry Hall High School teacher.
But what many felt was a justified aggression is probably just that, the assault took place at the family home after the teacher was calmly asked to leave by the Father after he showed up determined to “talk to” the 15 year old student of his.
The teacher refused to leave so the next best thing was to convince him that he was way out of order by administering a beating of a lesson with a baseball bat!
I don’t know about anyone else but this Father has my blessings and isn’t wrong at all!
Listen in to what I had to say in detail as I feel that the teacher was brazen for many other reasons than meets the eye.
Will pedophilia be the next big issue politically in a few years as it masks itself under the sick twisted category of “Inter-generational Sex?”
Think it’s farfetched? Then think again!
Remember, you heard it here first!
Enjoy the verbal flow and leave your comments and thoughts for an intense cyber discussion.