Your life force is the most precious commodity that you could possess in this whole entire world! Not a house. Not a car. Not someone else.
The power of your life force is always transferable without anyone else’s permission.
Believe no one else!
It is all yours for life as long as God permits you to have it! No one gave it to you BUT Him! You will not get taxed or pay a high penalty when you decide to take your precious life force as you feel from one situation to another of YOUR choosing.
Liberate yourself and stop giving your life force away to people who want a free ride or have no plan or goals for their own life except to keep you from YOUR dreams! You see, having the drive (life force) with no goals (dreams) renders your life force useless. You must have somewhere to direct your energies.
When we are in imbalanced toxic relationships, we most oftentimes never realize how swiftly time can pass us by while we have missed the mark from focusing on those trivial issues that come included in that sick union and have robbed us from making the most of our opportunities that for the most part, have been lost forever!
The biggest slap in the face is when that very same individual to whom you have been joined to unproductively for so long reminds you of how great you could have become but never encouraged you or acknowledged your talents at the time when you should have been motivating instead of feuding.
I beg all of you who have a dream DEEP down within your soul, strip away ANYTHING that is in your way that keeps you from your righteous destiny because one day you will have to account for wasting something given to you that is so precious.
Contact Lance Scurvin At [email protected]
Call Or Text Lance Direct: 407-590-0755
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