In an unscripted impromptu live streamed video, Mrs. Scurv and sidekick/comedian husband Lance share a common evening in their kitchen not only preparing a healthy late evening snack in the form of some very delicious vegan sandwiches, but have lots of fun in doing so!
This leads me to point out yet another observation that I’ve come to know over the last several years that a great home life is mandatory to holding down a great marriage and that it is one of the most overlooked aspects in this so called modern world.
Too much weight has been placed on the power of sex and the superficial facade of luxury possessions in today’s society when it comes to what holds a committed relationship together and not any of these things hold any weight over the power of a happy home life! Just my two cents but I have to say that I had such a great time in the kitchen as my Wife made those sandwiches that I couldn’t think of any other place in THE WORLD that I’d rather be!