R.I.P. Dr. Myles Munroe (20 April 1954 – 9 November 2014)
Today at 4:07 p.m.- November 9, 2014 – Dr. Myles Munroe, along with his Wife Ruth Munroe and daughter, boarded a Lear 26 Executive Jet that departed from the Lyden Pindling International Airport in the hopes that it would land safely at the Grand Bahama International Airport.
That safe landing never happened.
As they approached the airport, the jet flew too low and crashed into the side of a crane at a nearby Shipyard and “exploded on impact”.
They were on their way to attending the Global Leadership Forum in Freeport starting the very next day after their plane crashed.
Now because this is an unfortunate incident that just happened hours earlier, I do not have all of the facts about it but I’m sure more will be available very soon.
What I do know is how this made me feel.
I had an opportunity to really sit down mere feet away from Dr. Myles Munroe at a local church here in Orlando Florida to hear him speak.
To be honest I was so pleasantly surprised at how this man spoke and the sense of sincerity that oozed out of every pore of his being.
“This man was the real thing” I remember thinking to myself as he logical taught the congregation who silently absorbed his words.
I later learned that he authored about 69 books and was the president and founder of the Bahamas Faith Ministries International. His schooling was intensive and there was so much more to this man that I could share here in one article so please click here to read Dr. Myles Munroe’s Wikipedia page to get a better understanding of his vast background.
Back to get back to my experience of hearing his words, some of those in attendance seemed to disagree silently on a his approach and I could sense their silent protest by the expressions that were evident across their faces.
But because I’m not personally as knowledgeable as most on the details and intricacies of Holy Scripture, what others would “catch” would most likely get by me.
That being said, if this man was a false prophet which I feel that he wasn’t, he would have won me over if I weren’t tentative in my approach toward all who populate the pulpit because I am honestly leery of all of them.
Being raised in the church it truly hurts me to feel this way, but it’s the honest to God truth.
When I observe the bickering and attitudes, huge egos fueled by massive doses of narcissism as well as the oh so obvious amounts of manipulation going on in the name of the Lord it really makes me want to leave it all alone.
So I’m not here to cast off any negativity toward Dr. Myles Munroe because as one human being to another regardless what his theological beliefs were, he was created by the same God that I was and has taken that inevitable step toward his destiny as his earthly transition is complete.
This in essence causes me to want to “up my game” in this life to be ready and God centered when my time comes.
We all have little things – as well as some major – vices, desires, secrets and habits that we need to banish, and while none of us are perfect and never will be on this level, we need to be glad that God has given us His grace for a time and we should understand that the period of grace does not last forever!
I have to admit that I would hear of someone passing away and it would stay on my mind for a short time before I would get on with the business of life, but as I get older I can see that I am personally moving toward the head of the line of earthly transition as the hourglass of mortality swiftly drops the sands of time to its bottom.
So I thank God for my changing, or rather evolving perspectives that I have embraced and truly now understand how precious life really is.
I am so not caught up in the things that appeared so important to me even months ago and I experience a special joy every time I realize that a worldly desire that I may have secretly harbored long past its adolescent shelf life has banished itself from my core being.
Whether one wants to admit it or not we are ALL moving toward that spectacular day of transition but must understand that indulging in all things worldly and carnal will not keep us here any longer nor will it be something that we can carry with us when that time comes.
So my time now is spent preparing myself for that time whether it is a few hours or a few decades from now, we just never know.
While many will take my words as the ramblings of an old man, I know that after all I’ve been through in this life to survive this long in a world that appears to be at the pinnacle of its transgressions against our Creator, I have been blessed and protected to make it this far.
Understand that none of us woke ourselves up this morning and none of us have the ability to keep ourselves here any longer when it’s time for us to make that mysterious journey.
All I can say at this point is that it was a pleasure to hear Dr. Myles Munroe speak and that I truly hope that where ever he found himself on the scale of righteous living, that it was close enough to merit his essence to return back to God in good standing.
And while God knows all in His infinite wisdom I find it kind that He allowed his Wife and daughter to go with him as there will be no pain of mourning and loss for them because they all left this world together.
Now the pressure is on us as we are left here to fend for ourselves in a world infested with all types of deceptive seducing demonic spirits whose only job is to rob you of your salvation and bring you into that place of eternal torment.
Either we seek to improve ourselves and move in the right direction or we continue on in denial until those last few grains of sand pass through our personal timekeeper of an hourglass to signal that it’s time to take the trip that we never cared to take the time to prepare for.
That choice is completely up to you…….
Peace, Righteous Love & Revolution Always,
Your Humbled Brother,