I couldn’t believe it when I repeatedly received the link to the story that’s raging across the internet that speaks on Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz comment saying: “If You support Traditional Marriage, We Don’t Want Your Business!”
He said this at the Starbucks annual shareholders meeting and this definitely sent a very clear message to those who believe in traditional marriage. But he told a shareholder who still believes in traditional marriage that he should sell off his stocks and invest in a company elsewhere.
Dang! Where did THIS come from?
I was shocked to hear that from him, not that I personally know him but I couldn’t understand why such a successful high profile business person would make such a controversial statement publicly, especially when it can potentially hurt his bottom line.
So I though deeper into why someone of his business stature would even “go there” in such a brazen manner.
Was it to actually gain more business after being recognized and labeled as being a corporate entity that supports gay marriage and the gay lifestyle?
Or maybe it was because someone who is a huge shareholder is a closeted member of the gay community and has used their personal influence on the bottom line of Mr. Shultz to twist his arm to say such a thing.
Even STILL maybe Mr. Shultz recently received a hot blowjob from a gay dude while sipping coffee and it turned him out?
Who knows?
One thing I do know is that ones personal support of the gay marriage has become a litmus test of sorts to see if you will be labeled as some kind of gay basher who spews hateful anti-gay venom and must be banned from pursuing whatever field of endeavor that you choose to embark on.
…….talk about going from zero to sixty in 0.9 seconds!
Why is this even an issue in worlds that have nothing to do with what two people do with themselves behind closed doors? As a straight heterosexual male I am beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with the way things are going on in the world right about now.
Well for some strange reason I feel as though I will be called to task on my personal feelings on the gay lifestyle of which I believe has absolutely no bearing on how I perform my job or how much love I possess in my heart for ALL of God’s children which happens to include those in the LGBT community wholeheartedly.
Why is it that you cannot be into something or not support it without being labeled as though our entire existence is all about who we sleep with and share orgasms with in our personal lives? There is more to life than my sexual preference and after I pass on from this level of existence I wouldn’t want to look back on a life that was mainly concerned about sex and who sleep with who against my belief system.
I think this separates us so much and is counterproductive to us seeing each other as Gods children. If we cannot see the commonality in each other then we as the human race are doomed because we sure have found so many ways to see ourselves as different and THAT hasn’t gotten us too far when you look back on history now has it?
But you want to hear something funny that those who are reading this article may not believe? Well I feel that if two people who are under the same roof have an arrangement that they feel should allow them by law to share their health benefits, retirement benefits, assets or any other benefit that comes from a traditional marriage then allow them to do so. I’m fair. If this is the person to whom you say should receive your pension after you’ve passed away then who am I to say how you should handle your business?
Another point that I want to make is that I do not feel that it is right for anyone to physically or verbally attack someone who happens to be gay because they are gay, that’s just flat out wrong! I do not condone it and renounce any instance of its happening. BUT, at the same time do NOT marginalize me or threaten my earning power because I do not participate or condone the behavior that is considered homosexual.
I will defend anyone gay or straight who has been done wrong by anyone as I love everyone unconditionally even if I do not love the things that they might indulge in.
Now many can twist my words from here to kingdom come, no one can say that I said anything hateful but what I did say was clearly shared and not some cowardly utterance because I wanted – like so many – to avoid such a controversial topic. Well, by the standards of THIS world I guess I won’t ever be famous or accepted into a world that has this gauge set in place that one must promote a lifestyle before you can be embraced and advanced. I guess I will never get that now. But then again, when I look back on my life that glittery world of the affluent who are gay friendly NEVER opened up their doors to me anyway so really what am I missing?
I’m not running for office. I am not the President of the United States who MUST proclaim something at an inaugural address that will guarantee support in segment of society that has long been ignored. I am not looking for anything that I couldn’t get all by myself but what I don’t want to happen is that I miss out on my salvation by putting mans law over Gods!
I’m sorry y’all! I will NOT take the mark of the beast nor will I indulge or support something that is against the will of the Creator!
I support your right to pursue anything and everything that you wish to do as a human being and as a child of God who has been granted this thing called Free Will, but don’t expect me to go against my commands as I believe them to be to be a part of this order!
You have GOT to respect my honesty because it is I that must face my God one day not only on the issue of supporting homosexuality but also on the issue of adultery, fornication, theft, coveting my neighbor’s possessions, murder, lust, drunkenness and a whole bevy of things that I must watch out for in my personal life with homosexuality being the least of them.
So now that I’ve made myself very clear on this issue let’s go back to Howard Shultz’s comments and why to me it is an indication of something bigger to come.
Now these are my opinions and beliefs now…….
I believe that there IS some type of Gay agenda in this world because it seems like overnight so many have come out of the closet brazenly in high influential places and are making it a point to change the traditional institutions according to law and seem to have no remorse in changing the very written word of God Himself!
You can change what is written in The Book but you can’t change what a person feels to be right in our hearts. Just like the GPS Unit in your vehicles, we as humans have a Spiritual GPS Unit in our hearts and it tells us when we are off course and what we must do to get back on course. This specialize GPS Unit of the Spirit works especially well when one has taken the time to absorb God’s word and meditate on it to allow it to saturate within us so that when the time comes for no Bibles to be available to believers we will have God’s word permanently etched into our hearts and minds.
A person can say whatever they feel about an issue that they feel strong about, I’m not angry with Howard Shultz for speaking his mind because I am going to always do the same as it is the birthright of a man to speak what is in his heart. But to now marginalized an entire segment of society merely because they believe in traditional marriage is just as flat out wrong for not hiring or allowing someone who DOES favor it!
It’s the flip side of the same coin!
So what’s next? Will Howard Shultz go on a witch hunt throughout his company to fire anyone who does not believe and support gay marriage? I mean, I would be pretty frightened that I might not have a job the next day especially if I worked for him and he was to take a look at this blog article!
Would he and other CEO’s like him add an optional box to check on an employment application that asks if you are in support of gay marriage? Do you see where I’m going with this?
There are some of us like myself who work alongside those in the LGBT community and enjoy having a great time sharing future memories together on and off the job as all people do, it’s just that we draw the line when it comes to “THAT” topic but wouldn’t hesitate to support them all things that life will throw at them just as it does us!
We need to take a step back and really examine the damage that these types of comments create and the separation that it causes to an already isolated world.
While we all here on earth are NOT the ones who GAVE life, why can’t we merely allow those around us to CHOOSE LIFE even if we feel as though it may not be the proper path? And why should anyone waste their time hating anyone because they are different? I know I don’t and that was not what motivated me to write this article…….
…….I don’t know if Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz could ever say the same about the motivations that caused him to make HIS statement.
I guess we will never know.
Peace & Righteous Love Always,
Your Brutally Honest & Transparent Brother,