When Talaya talks the world listens!
I had the pleasure once again to speak with Talaya in a sizzling conversation that will definitely enlighten and entertain all who listen beyond measure!
This verbal gumbo of a meeting of the minds really was a challenge to title because we touched on so many topics that could have actually been a show all onto itself.
But this is a true testimony to the mind of a very mature woman wrapped in a very succulent package who has her hand on the pulse of what is truly transpiring in the world around her.
But please don’t get the impression that this was a conversation that did not titillate and amuse, because this was an exchange to behold as we went deep in on human sexuality as well as speaking on those taboo issues that most would be afraid to face.
All in all if you want to listen to something that will remind you that real people still do exist in the world then tune in to The LanceScurv Show where Talaya opens up in a manner that you will never forget!
Do forget to let us know what you thought of our conversation by leaving your thoughts in the comment area below.
Peace, Righteous Love & Revolution Always,
Your Brother,