My prayers go out to the family of Troy Davis that is currently mourning following Davis’ unfair execution by lethal injection in the State of Georgia.
Doubt permeated Davis’ judicial proceedings and an innocent man may have been legally murdered!
Shady prosecutors say the killing of accused criminals is necessary to prevent other killings.
But I think life is like a doubled edged sword and cuts both ways. If every Black man was executed every time someone white accused him of something he didn’t do, there wouldn’t be a brother in the Western Hemisphere!
God is good and will chastise the people that wrongfully execute his children.
At the same time, the devil is so tricky!
People are claiming to be mad with Georgia and a state can’t execute anybody.
Accused criminals are charged and tried by State Attorneys and Prosecutors. Those prosecutors are the ones that say circumstantial evidence is evidence and hearsay is fact and witness recantations should be ignored.
Ultimately, in a roundabout way, you should blame yourself! Why? Because you voted for the State Attorneys.
Any racist, conservative State Attorney can get every Black vote cast by only running as a Democrat. No matter how many friends, family members and neighbors you have that have been falsely accused, wrongfully charged and wrongfully convicted by the State Attorney, if he is a Democrat, Black people will still vote for him.
America’s so called Negro leaders have been writing, blogging and Internet posting about “Southern justice”. They say Davis was executed because he was charged and tried in the South.
I say if you’re below Toronto or if you’re below Montreal or if you’re south of the Canadian border you’re a victim of Southern justice!
In Georgia, they falsely accuse you with a Georgia accent and in New York they falsely accuse you with a New York accent!
Execution is an ultimate punishment. An execution is violent.
The devil loves violence but he tells you and me to be like Martin Luther King, non-violent, and you’ll progress in America.
Martin wasn’t like you. He believed in non-violent social change but Martin Luther King was not scared to stand up and speak out like you are.
They put a “non-violent” memorial of Martin Luther King in Washington, D.C. that is somewhat near to the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial.
There wasn’t anything non-violent about George and Thomas. Liberty or death is what got them better treatment from the British. Washington and Jefferson fought for liberty, for freedom and for justice!
Instead of crying false tears and rallying around fake Negro leaders, we can change prosecutions by getting rid of and voting out of office all State Attorneys and Prosecutors that will not give Black citizens a fair trial. We should vote them out regardless of what their political affiliation is.
Think about it. The cities and the states where we are victimized the most have the most Black elected officials. Those same states have the most Black judges and the most Black Prosecutors.
If you want to help the brothers in jail and on death row now on false charges with phony witness and flimsy evidence, start now to organize the defeat and ouster of closet klansmen State Attorneys and their Negro puppets.
That is the way to prevent more wrongful executions of Black men in the United States.
(Buy Gantt’s book “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing” at any major book store and contact Lucius at