Once again from the streets of Sanford, Florida, the “Bald Head Man” speaks on the George Zimmerman Trial, the death of Trayvon Martin and the current state of life in America as only he can!
While the corporate sponsored news outlets would NEVER allow a man with such ferocity and truth to speak as freely as he did here on LanceScurv, understand that there are countless millions of wise men out here in the downtrodden so called underclass neighborhoods across the United States of America who are frustrated because they have NOT been embraced and shut out of this now imaginary place called the American Dream.
I believe that we need to hear their perspectives and get as up close and possible as we can because these Brothers do have a lot to say to the younger generation to warn them on the pitfalls and traps of a society that can come at them so fast without warning.
Leave your comments and thoughts below!