Artist/Blogger Lance Scurvin speaks over the phone with lifelong friend “Joe Neckbone” about the plummeting value of the vagina in the dating scene and how it has affected male/female relationships down to the core.
This conversation is very insightful, funny and chock full of unique perspectives that you may not get from other sources. If anything, you will come away with the knowledge of an entire different perspective on what many women just do not know.
Men are guilty of the same behavior and are jaded by this idea that women outnumber men. I’ve been a woman of excellence who supported my ex’s passions & dreams. He was just to “busy” to support mine & ultimately left me with a lot of broken promises. Was I wrong to take a chance on believing in a man?
I shared my experience to let you know that there is a new conscious woman on the scene that overstands & is not lead by illusion. One who has discernment in what’s real & unreal. Men, you should elevate your mentality so you can attract one.
I agree with you, Scurv, and Joe Neckbone. Looks do fade as we all get older. It is the knowledge we put in our minds that make ourselves and our lives beautiful. Thanks, my brother, for keeping it real for us.
Greetings Lance:
Once again, I must say thank you for being so candid and honest. You and Joe Neckbone, my brothers from other mothers, I love you both. There is so much we as sisters can glean from such an empassioned conversation. I have always shared your opinion on this subject openly with my sisters. Some take the advice but many have taken my sisterly advice as an afront or worse. I have been accused of hating on them, lol.
I think if we truly want to be set apart, there is a certain decorum by which we as ladies must conduct ourselves. We each have flaws and so it would behoove us to play to our strengths, whatever they may be, tastefully. The times we're living in mandate that we stay both vigilant and relevant. I can go on and on but I won't.
In closing, I appreciate your voice and I thank you for showing up in the world the way you do!! Always allow your light to shine brightly!! It is both refreshing and inspiring. May you continue to be blessed richly and always remember to be a blessings!! Peace………