The reelection of President Barack Obama is being seriously hampered by the Democratic Party’s use of Buckwheat politics!
If you don’t know, Buckwheat was one of the central characters in the old Little Rascals television series.
The stars of the show, white kids Spanky and Alfafa, loved the little Black Buckwheat.
And the white leadership of the Democratic Party loves the modern day version of Buckwheat.
You see, Buckwheat did everything Spanky and Alfafa wanted him to do. He spoke when Spanky wanted him to speak. He said what Alfafa wanted him to say.
The little rascals could control Buckwheat!
If you want to have a meaningful, high paying, decision making role in today’s Democratic Party leadership you’ve got to be like Buckwheat.
Don’t worry about needing any political experience and you don’t need an education in media or political science. You don’t need a track record of political success and winning campaigns.
The television Buckwheat had very few Black friends and the modern day political Buckwheat also has very few Black friends. The modern day Buckwheat couldn’t draw a crowd to a political rally if his life depended on it. He couldn’t get a crowd if he gave away free chicken and beer!
But only Buckwheat types can ever dream about getting a high paying job with Democrats.
If you’re a community activist, you’re undesirable. If you stand up and speak out on Black issues, you’re not wanted. If you are known by, loved and appreciated by Black voters you can’t dream about working for The Democratic Party.
To progress in Democratic Party politics you’ve got to be Buckwheat. You’ve got to rubber stamp everything the Democratic Party says and does. You’ve got to want to be controlled!
Now where does all of this leave President Barack Obama? Well, with Republican controlled state legislatures across America purging every Black, Hispanic and minority voter from voter rolls that it can, it will be more than extremely important for the President to get every vote possible.
Obama must get an extraordinary turnout of supportive voters. That 25 or 30 percent of registered Black Democratic voters will not nearly be enough to win. Obama must get Black independents, Black Republicans and everybody else to cast votes for him to insure his reelection.
Buckwheat cannot tell African American media owners what to say or what to print about 2012 elections. Buckwheat cannot influence The Nation of Islam, Buckwheat cannot rally around The New Black Panther Party. Buckwheat can’t even get the junkies to put down their crack pipes and take that slow walk into the voting booth!
All Buckwheat can do is smile, buck dance a little and do everything that his Democratic bosses tell him to do!
President Barack Obama is going to need all of the help he can get in America’s Black communities from a variety of people in the Black community.
This idea that any political Buckwheat will do, in fact, will not do!
(Buy Gantt’s book “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing”. Like The Gantt Report on Facebook and contact Lucius at