The Gantt Report would like to wish for a prosperous and successful New Year. I can’t say “happy” because 2012 is an election year and in the New Year, like every election year, Black people will be running….for their lives!
2012 again will be a year where African Americans put everybody first and most candidates, most employers, most banks and other lenders will put us last!
In order to progress in 2012, we must do for ourselves, speak for ourselves and fight for our rights as we have grown accustomed to doing.
If we want to work in 2012, we have got to work hard to create our own jobs! Black businesses hire more African American employees than any other businesses.
The idea that politicians and government will take care of us as long as we get out and vote is historically ridiculous and should be totally abandoned and discredited.
Yes, all Americans should vote to reelect President Obama but the President is attractive by default! People opposing his reelection are basically clowns, crooks or womanizers!
We have to support Barack Obama but we need to support ourselves more! We have to demand political respect and flex our electoral muscle!
We have to let the President know in no uncertain terms that Black Americans are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Every other ethnic voting block in the United States has their political desires addressed but us. Mexican Americans get immigration considerations. Cubans get travel bans lifted. Women get Supreme Court and other appointments. Jews get unlimited financial and military support for Israel.
And, beast bankers get more than any American. America’s money changers get to continue to steal money from depositors and a few loan recipients, few because the average citizens and dream about getting a loan or true mortgage refinancing.
2012 will only be a happy new year if we make it happy!
Sometimes it’s necessary to take two steps backward to take one step forward. We may need to step back into the days when we patronized each other’s businesses, bought each other’s goods and services cared for each other’s children and had each other’s backs, so to speak.
In 2012, let’s do what we are supposed to do. Let’s come together right now and work together for our own progress and well being.
Let’s raise hell in 2012!
Greetings Lance and Everyone! I totally agree with all you said. Especially the "thinking for ourselves and doing for ourselves". We did not always depend on the government. We believed in us and worked hard to build stong communities. There were many benefits from integration, but what we lost was our sense of community. Black businesses thrived because we patronized them and they appreciated our support for them. Now we vote for individuals whom don't live in our communities and don't respect us. We patronize businesses of other ethic groups whom also don't live in our communities and don't respect us as well. We need to WAKE UP and save our communites and come to the reality that NO ONE CARES FOR US. I enjoy yor blogs keep them coming!