It happens all the time and has probably happened or is happening to you! I’m speaking about those toxic people who are unfortunately a part of our lives that we call friends!Whether we know it or not, these people have more of a say so in our lives than we even realize. Some of our friendships – good and bad – have lasted through the multiple relationships that we have experienced through the years.
Not only that have they been there as friends through those relationships but because of their close proximity to your deepest periods of thought while in the valley of decision, they had a great influence on how those very relationships turn out because it is THEY to whom you go to when a word of advice is needed!This puts these covert “Judases in a very strategic position to wreck your lives up when you are the most vulnerable. It’s funny, but many of these undercover deceitful entities will wait literally for YEARS to make their move to bring drama and mayhem into your life and relationships! Has this ever happened to you?
Others will elect to deceive you as a friend and siphon away your joy slowly and consistently in order to give your relationships the slow death treatment only to be the one “that is there” for you to “lift your spirits” up after THEY were the hidden reason for your failed marriages and breakups in the first place!
They are there when you meet a potential lover and if they do NOT approve of them or have access into your every move behind closed bedroom door or interpersonal transactions then WATCH OUT! Is it because these types are miserable and can’t keep a mate for themselves? They do say that misery loves company and as long as they can keep the drama and heartache going in yours it makes their pain that much more bearable!
Call in and share YOUR stories of that toxic, envious and deceitful friend who is a certified happiness and relationship DESTROYER!
Time: Wednesday, August 3, 2012 @ 10 p.m.Eastern Standard Time
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